- Abuser Registry Work Group
- Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Program, Task Force on the Maryland
- Adaptive Reuse of Historic Properties Study Steering Committee (DOP)
- Adjunct Faculty on Graduation Rates at Historically Black Institutions, Maryland Task Force to Study the Impact of
- Adolescent Pregnancy, Governor's Council on
- Adoption Oversight Team
- Adult & Community Services, State Advisory Committee for (SDOE)
- Adult Education Services in Maryland, Task Force to Study
- Adult High School Concept, Task Force to Study the
- Adult Learning Advsory Council, Maryland (DOL)
- Advanced Technology Business, Governor's Commission on the Development of
- Aeromedical Committee, Joint
- Affiliation between Historic St. Mary's City Commission and St. Mary's College of Maryland, Task Force on
- African-American Entrepreneurship in Baltimore City, Governor's Task Force on
- African-American Males, Task Force on the Education of
- After-School & Summer Opportunity Programs, Advisory Board on
- After-School Opportunity Programs, Advisory Board on
- Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation (2000), Task Force to Study the Maryland
- Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation (2002), Task Force to Study the Maryland
- Agriculture Task Force, Incentives for
- Alarms for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing, Task Force to Study Visual Smoke & Evacuation
- Alcohol Regulation, Enforcement, Safety, & Public Health, Task Force to Study State
- Alcohol Safety Action Program Committee, Maryland
- All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Safety Task Force
- Alternative Educational Programs for Chronically Disruptive Students, Task Force to Study
- Alzheimer's Disease & Related Disorders Commission, Maryland
- Alzheimer's Work Group (DHMH)
- Animal Friendly License-Plate Committee
- Anti-Asian Violence, Task Force to Study
- Anti-Terrorism Work Group
- Applicability of Manufacturing Laws to High-Technology Businesses, Task Force To Examine the
- Arthritis & Related Diseases, State Advisory Council on (DH)
- Arts Education in Maryland Schools
- Assessments & Testing in Public Schools, Commission to Review Maryland's Use of
- Assisted-Living Implementation Panel
- Assisted-Living Programs Board
- Attainment Plan Task Force (DOE)
- Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Advisory Council on
- Audiology & Speech-Language Services, Task Force to Study the Availability of
- Autism, Maryland Commission on
- Autism Work Group (DHMH)
- Auto Insurance Task Force to Study Rates in Urban Areas
- Autoimmune Disease in Maryland, Task Force to Study the Impact of
- Automotive-Related Industries, Task Force to Study the Comprehensive Licensing of
- Award Panel, Governor's
- Baby Boomer Initiative Council (2007)
- Baby Boomer Initiative Council (2012)
- Bainbridge Re-Use Advisory Committee
- Baltimore City Public School System Deficit, Inquiry Panel into
- Baltimore County Board of Education, Task Force on the Membership and Operation of the
- Baltimore County Liquified Natural Gas Task Force
- Baltimore Red Line Community Advisory Council
- Bank Charter Modernization, Task Force to Study
- Banking Board
- Behavioral & Substance Abuse Programs & Services Work Group (SDOE)
- Bicycle Safety on Maryland Highways, Task Force to Study
- Biocontainment Laboratories Oversight Work Group (DHMH)
- Black Bear Task Force
- Boaters, Task Force to Study the Feasibility of Licensing
- Boating & the Boating Industry in Maryland, Task Force to Study Enhancing
- Boating Industry in Maryland, Task Force to Study the
- Body Cameras by Law Enforcement Officers, Maryland Commission Regarding the Implementation & Use of
- Body-Worn Cameras by Law Enforcement, Work Group on the Implementation & Use of
- Boot Camp Independent Assessment Team
- Botanical Heritage Work Group, Maryland
- Brain Injury/Sports-Related Concussions Task Force, Traumatic (SDOE)
- Broadband Communications Deployment in Underserved Rural Areas, Task Force on
- Business-Owner Compensation in Condemnation Proceedings, Task Force on
- Business Tax Reform Commission, Maryland
- Camden Yards Sports & Entertainment Commission
- Campaign Finance, Attorney General's Advisory Committee on
- Campaign Finance Law, Commission to Study
- Campaigns in Maryland, Study Commission on Public Funding of
- Cancer Clusters & Environmental Causes of Cancer, Work Group on (DHMH)
- Cancer in Maryland, Task Force to Conquer
- Cancer Surveillance Committee
- Capital City, State Commission on the
- Capital Punishment, Maryland Commission on
- Capital Punishment in Maryland, Governor's Task Force on the Fair Imposition of
- Career & Technology Education Task Force
- Careers in the Arts for People with Disabilities, Governor's Advisory Committee on
- CareFirst, Inc., Nominating Committee for Board of Directors of
- Caregivers Support Coordinating Council, Maryland (DHS)
- Cecil/Harford Bridges Work Group
- Celebration 2000, Maryland Commission for
- Cemetery & Funeral Industry, Task Force to Examine the State's
- Census Grant Program Panel, 2020
- Certificate of Need Modernization Task Force (DHMH)
- Cervical Cancer Committee of the Maryland Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan
- Change Order Work Group (DGS)
- Charitable Giving (Maryland Gives!), Task Force on
- Charter Schools, Task Force on Public
- Chemical Demilitarization Citizens' Advisory Commission
- Chesapeake Bay, Task Force on Traffic Capacity Across the
- Chesapeake Bay through Sustainable Forestry, Governor's Commission for Protecting the
- Child-Care Business Partnership, Maryland
- Child-Care Dispute Resolution Work Group (SDOE)
- Child-Care Providers, Task Force on Compensation of
- Child Care Subsidy Coordinating Council, Maryland
- Child Custody Decision-Making, Commission on
- Child Support Compliance in Prince George's County, Task Force to Improve
- Child Welfare System Accountability, Task Force on
- Childproof Guns, Governor's Task Force on
- Children, Youth, & Families, Maryland Partnership for
- Children, Youth, and Families Systems Reform, Governor's Task Force on
- Children in Nature, Maryland Partnership for
- Children in Out-of-Home Placement, Task Force to Study Alternative Living Arrangements for
- Children in the Custody of or under the Supervision of the Department of Juvenile Services, Task Force to Study the Mentoring & Monitoring of
- Children's On-Line Privacy Protection, Work Group on (AG)
- Children's Trust Fund Advisory Board
- Civic Literacy, Commission on
- Civic Literacy in Maryland, Task Force to Convene a Summit on
- Civil Right to Counsel in Maryland, Task Force to Study Implementing a
- Civil War Heritage Commission, Maryland
- Class-Size Reduction, Special Committee to Study Issues Related to
- Clean Car & Energy Policy Task Force, Maryland
- Climate Change Commission
- Collateral Consequences of Convictions, Work Group on
- Coastal & Watershed Resources Advisory Committee (DNR)
- Coastal Fisheries Advisory Committee (DNR)
- College & Career-Ready Standards & Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College & Careers (PARCC), Maryland Implementation Review Work Group
- College Readiness for Disadvantaged & Capable Students, Task Force to Study
- College Success Task Force
- Common Ownership Communities, Task Force on
- Communications Tax Reform Commission
- Communities for a Lifetime Commission, Maryland
- Community Access Steering Committee (DHMH)
- Community-Based Homes for Children, Task Force to Study the Licensing & Monitoring of
- Community College Students with Disabilities Task Force
- Community Services Advisory Commission (DHMH)
- Community Services Reimbursement Rate Commission (DHMH)
- Community Services Trust Fund Work Group (DHMH)
- Complementary Medical Methods, Commission on
- Composting Work Group (DOE)
- Construction Industry Employers' Advisory Council, Governor's
- Continuity of Care Advisory Panel (DHMH)
- Consumer Education & Customer Choice, Work Group on (PSC)
- Copper Plumbing, Task Force to Study Pinhole Leaks in
- Coppin State University, Special Review Committee on
- Courts, Commission on the Future of Maryland
- Credit Assurance Review Committee
- Credit Union Law, Task Force to Study Modernization of
- Criminal Offender Monitoring by Global Positioning Systems, Task Force to Study
- Criminal Sentencing Policy, Maryland Commission on
- Crossroads Task Force
- Crownsville Hospital Center Property, Maryland Task Force on the Disposition of the
- Cullen Task Force (DJS)
- Cult Activities on Public Senior Higher Education Institutions, Task Force to Study the Effects of
- Cultural Competency & Workforce Development for Mental Health Professionals, Work Group on
- Cultural Competency Work Group
- Cybersecurity Innovation & Excellence, Maryland Commission on
- Dairy Regulatory Review Committee
- Data Security Committee, State
- Deaf Culture Digital Library, Task Force to Study the Establishment of a
- Debt Settlement Services Industry, Work Group to Study
- Deeds for Victims of Domestic Violence, Task Force to Study Recording
- Delinquency Prevention & Diversion Services Task Force
- Dental Action Committee
- Department of Health & Mental Hygiene, Task Force to Study the Reorganization of the
- Development Capacity Task Force
- Developmental Disabilities, Governor's Commission for Effective Community Inclusion of Individuals with Intellectual &
- Developmental Disabilities Administration Rate-Payment System, Task Force to Study the
- Dimensions Oversight Committee
- Disability Insurance Programs & the Process for Assisting Individuals with Disabilities at Local Departments of Social Services, Task Force to Study Temporary
- Disabled Veterans Establishing Small Businesses, Task Force on Assistance to
- Domestic Violence Prevention Task Force, Neshante & Chloe Davis
- Door-to-Door Sales of Home Improvement Services, Work Group to Study (DLLR)
- Driver Licensing Documentation, Task Force to Study
- Driver's Education Programs in Maryland, Task Force on
- Drivers, Governor's Work Group on Young
- Driving under the Influence of Drugs & Alcohol, Task Force to Combat
- Drought Emergency Coordinating Committee
- Drug-Addicted Offenders, Task Force on
- Drug & Alcohol Abuse Council, Maryland State
- Drug & Alcohol Council
- Drugs, Panel to Review Off-Label Uses of
- Drunk & Drugged Driving, Governor's Executive Committee on
- Dyslexia Education Program, Task Force to Study the Implementation of a
- Early Childhood Development Advisory Council (SDOE)
- Early Child Care & Education, Judith P. Hoyer Blue Ribbon Commission on
- Early Childhood Education & Care, State Advisory Council on
- Eastern Shore Economic Development, Governor's Task Force on
- Economic Adjustment Financing Committee, Maryland
- Economic Development & Apprenticeships, Task Force to Study
- Economic Development & Job Creation Fast-Track-Initiative Coordinating Committee, Governor's (DCOM)
- Ecosystem Services Working Group (DNR)
- Education, Commission on Innovation & Excellence in
- Education, Governor's Commission on Quality
- Education, Task Force on Universal Preschool
- Education & the Maryland Higher Education Commission, Work Group to Study the Maryland State Department of
- Education & Workforce Training Coordinating Council for Correctional Institutions (DLLR)
- Education Coordinating Committee
- Education Coordinating Council for Correctional Institutions
- Education Finance, Equity, & Excellence, Commission on
- Education Funding Equity, Accountability, & Partnerships, Task Force on
- Education Funding in Prince George's County, Task Force on
- Education of Homeless Children & Youth in Maryland, Task Force on
- Educational Assistants and Paraprofessionals in the Public Schools of Maryland, Task Force on
- Educational Development Specifications, Work Group on
- Educator Effectiveness, Maryland Council for
- Educators Service Memorial, Commission on the Establishment of a Maryland
- Elderly & Retiree Migration Into & Out of Maryland, Task Force to Study the Dynamics of
- Election Code, Commission to Revise the
- Election Law, Task Force to Review the State's
- Elections, Governor's Commission on the Administration of
- Electricians, Task Force to Study Licensing & Continuing Education Requirements for
- Electronic Documents, Subcommittee on
- Electronic Health Records, Task Force to Study
- Electronic Smoking Devices, Comptroller's Task Force on
- Electronic Weapons, Attorney General's Task Force on
- Elevators, Special Advisory Committee on (DOL)
- Emerging Medical & Surgical Treatments, Task Force on
- Energy Center, Task Force on the Maryland Clean
- Energy Conservation & Efficiency, Task Force on
- Energy Generation in Prince George's County, Task Force to Study
- Energy Program Task Force, Clean
- Energy Supplier Consumer Protection Work Group, Retail
- Energy Technical Education Task Force, Clean
- Enterprise Zone Program, Task Force to Study the Effectivess of the State's
- Enterprise Zone Program, Task Force to Study the Maryland
- Environmental Justice, Advisory Council on
- Environmental Restoration & Development Task Force
- Equal Pay Commission
- Erroneous Conviction & Imprisonment, Task Force to Study
- Excellence in Adult Education, Superintendent's Panel on
- Explosives Advisory Council
- Family & Medical Leave Insurance, Task Force to Study
- Family Caregiving & Long-Term Supports, Task Force on
- Family Violence Council
- Fatherhood Advisory Council, Governor's
- Fatherhood, Commission on Responsible
- Federal Facilities Advisory Board (DCOM)
- Female Population Task Force (DJS)
- Financial Consumer Protection Commission, Maryland
- Financial Literacy in the State, Task Force to Study How to Improve
- [Fire] Companies, Maryland Work Group to Study the Laws & Policies Related to the Distribution of Money to Volunteer & Career
- Firearms, Task Force to Study Access of Individuals with Mental Illness to Regulated
- Fiscal Structure, Commission on Maryland's
- Fishery Management, Task Force on
- Flood Mitigation Task Force for Western Maryland, Governor's
- Food Allergies & Restaurant Patrons, Task Force on
- Food Allergy Awareness, Food Safety, & Food Service Facility Letter-Grading, Task Force to Study
- Food Policy Work Group (DHMH)
- Foreclosure Task Force, Maryland
- Forensic Sciences Advisory Board, Maryland State
- Forensic Sciences Task Force
- Forensic Services Work Group (DHMH)
- Forest Advisory Commission
- Forest Policy, Task Force to Study a No Net Loss of
- Forestry Task Force, Maryland
- Foster Care, Eastern Shore Task Force on
- Fraud, Waste, & Abuse, Committee on
- Frederick County Public School System’s Elementary School Social–Emotional Learning Pilot Program, Task Force to Study the
- Funding for the Maryland School for the Deaf, Task Force on
- Funding Mechanisms for the Maryland Insurance Administration, Advisory Committee to Study
- Gaming Activities in Maryland, Joint Executive-Legislative Task Force to Study Commercial
- Gaming Expansion, Work Group to Consider
- Gang Statutes, Task Force to Study Maryland's Criminal
- Gasoline Zone-Pricing in Maryland, Task Force on
- Genetic Testing, Work Group on
- Gifted & Talented Student Education in Maryland, Commission on Funding & Services for
- Girls' Services Strategic Plan Task Force
- Green Building, Task Force on
- Green Buildings Council, Maryland
- Green Jobs & Industry Task Force, Maryland (DBED)
- Green Technology, Life Science, & Health Information Technology Loan-Assistance Repayment Program, Task Force on
- Greenways Commission, Maryland
- Grid Resiliency Task Force
- Group Home Education & Placement Practices, Task Force to Study
- Growth & Development in Maryland, Task Force on the Future for
- Gypsy Moth Infestation, Task Force to Study Statewide
- Habilitative Services Benefits, Work Group on Access to (MIA)
- Handgun Permit Review Board (DPSCS)
- Harford County, Task Force to Study Vocational & Technical Education Programs in
- Harriet Elizabeth Brown, Task Force to Study the Commemoration of
- Hart-Miller Advisory Board
- Health Benefit Exchange Financing, Joint Committee on
- Health Care Access & Reimbursement, Task Force on
- Health Care Decisions Act Advisory Council
- Health Care Needs of Inmates in Transition from Correctional Institutions, Task Force to Study
- Health Care Procurement Practices, Governor's Special Commission to Study
- Health Care Professionals & Improved Patient Care, Task Force on the Discipline of
- Health Care Reform Coordinating Council, Maryland
- Health Care Reform Coordinating Council (2011), Maryland
- Health Care Workforce, Statewide Commission on the Shortage in the
- Health in All Policies, Work Group on
- Health Professional-Client Sexual Exploitation, Task Force to Study
- Health Quality & Cost Council, Maryland
- Heart Disease & Stroke, State Advisory Council on (DH)
- Hepatitis C, State Advisory Council on
- Heritage Resources, Task Force to Study Preservation & Enhancement of Maryland's
- Heritage Structure Rehabilitation Tax Credit Program, Task Force to Study the Maryland
- Heroin & Opioid Emergency Task Force, Governor's
- High-School Dropout Rates of Persons in the Criminal Justice System, Task Force to Study
- High School Graduation Task Force, Maryland (SDOE)
- High-Speed Network Development, Task Force on
- Higher Education, Commission to Develop the Maryland Model for Funding
- Higher Education, State Planning Committee for
- Higher Education, Strategic Committee on the State Plan for
- Higher Education Ethics Requirements & Procurement Rules to Facilitate Technology Transfer, Task Force to Study Exemptions from
- Highway Access Permit Stakeholder Review Group
- Historic Agricultural Structure Preservation, Maryland Advisory Committee on
- Historically Underutilized Businesses, Governor's Council for
- HIV Exposure in Maryland Correctional Facilities, Task Force to Study
- Holocaust, Genocide, Human Rights & Tolerance Education, Task Force to Implement
- Home Health Care for Children & Adults with Medical Disabilities, Task Force to Study Access to
- Home-Ownership Preservation Task Force, Maryland
- Homelessness, Governor's Advisory Board on (DHS)
- Horse Racing at Rosecraft Raceway, Maryland Task Force to Study Thoroughbred
- Housing & Supportive Services for Unaccompanied Homeless Youth, Task Force to Study
- Housing Policy, Governor's Commission on
- Hub & Spoke Program in the Southern Maryland Region, Task Force to Study the Implementation of a
- Hunger, State Advisory Council on
- Identity Theft, Task Force to Study
- Immigrants in Maryland, Commission to Study the Impact of
- Inadvertent Displacement, Commission on
- Incident Reporting in Residential Child Care Facilities, Interagency Work Group on
- Indoor Air Quality, Task Force on
- Industrial Job Creation in Baltimore County, Task Force on
- Infant Mortality Prevention, State Commission on
- Influenza Coordinating Committee, Pandemic
- Information Technology Board, State
- Injured Workers' Insurance Fund, Governor's Task Force to Study the
- Innovative School Schedule Work Group (SDOE)
- Insurance of Last-Resort Programs, Task Force to Study Maryland
- Insurance Product Regulation Compact, Task Force on the
- Intensive Management & Capacity Improvement Team (Baltimore City Special Education) (SDOE)
- International Advisory Council (DCOM)
- Job Service Employer Committees
- Joseph Fund Board
- Justice Reinvestment Coordinating Council
- Juvenile Court Jurisdiction, Task Force on
- Juvenile Justice Advisory Council
- Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council
- Juvenile Justice Reform, Task Force on
- Juvenile Justice System, Task Force to Study the Restraint, Searches, & Needs of Children in the
- Juvenile Offender Aftercare Assessment Team
- Kent Island Citizens Oversight Committee
- Landlord-Tenant Laws, Commission to Review
- Language Skills in Maryland, Task Force on the Preservation of Heritage
- La Plata Task Force, Rebuild
- Law Enforcement, Task Force on
- Law Enforcement Officers' Memorial, Commission to Study the Feasiblity of Establishing a
- Law Enforcement Officers' Pensions from Taxation, Task Force on the Exemption of
- Lead Liability Protection for Rental Property, Work Group on (MIA)
- Lead Poisoning, Task Force to Study Point-of-Care Testing for
- Lead Poisoning Prevention Study Group (DOE)
- Lead Testing in School Drinking Water Work Group (DOE)
- Lending Equity within Financial Institutions Providing State Depository Services, Maryland, Task Force on
- Lighting Efficiency & Light Pollution in Maryland, Task Force to Study
- Lobbyist Ethics, Study Commission on
- Local Maintenance of Effort [for educational funding], Commission to Study
- Long-Term Care Education & Planning, Task Force on
- Long-Term Care Facilities, Task Force to Study Financial Matters Relating to
- Long-Term Care Reform Work Group (DHMH)
- Loss of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for Legal Immigrants in Maryland, Task Force on the
- Lottery Revenue, Task Force to Study
- Magnetic Levitation (MAGLEV) Transportation System in Maryland between Baltimore & the District of Columbia, Task Force to Evaluate the Development & Construction of a
- Managed Behavioral Health Care Organizations, Task Force to Develop Performance Quality Measures for
- Marcellus Shale Safe-Drilling Initiative Advisory Commission
- Marijuana Model Program Work Group, Maryland Medical (DHMH)
- Marketing of Grain & Other Agricultural Products, Task Force on the
- Maternal & Child Health, Task Force on Maryland
- Maternal Mental Health, Task Force to Study
- Mathematics Commission, Maryland
- Medical Malpractice & Health Care Access, Governor's Task Force on
- Medical Privacy & Confidentiality, State Advisory Council on
- Men's Health, Maryland Commission on (DHMH)
- Mental Hygiene, Maryland Advisory Council on (DHMH)
- Mental Health & Substance Use Disorders, Task Force on the Needs of Persons with Co-occurring
- Mental Health Care, Task Force on Self-Directed
- Mental Health Continuum, Task Force on the Development of a Plan to Guide the Future
- Mental Health Services, Task Force on Access to
- Mental Health Transformation Working Group (DHMH)
- Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether (MTBE), Task Force on the Environmental Effects of
- Methylphenidate & Other Drugs on School Children, Task Force to Study Uses of
- Microgrids Task Force, Resiliency through
- Middle School Steering Committee
- Midwives Work Group (DHMH)
- Military Children, Task Force on Educational Issues Affecting
- Military Installation Strategic Planning Council, Maryland
- Military Service Members, Veterans, & the Courts, Task Force on
- Mining Advisory Council, Aggregates
- Minorities in Business, Task Force to Investigate the Challenges of & Opportunities for
- Minority Business Enterprise Program & Equity Investment Capital, Task Force on the (2008-09)
- Minority Business Enterprise Program and Equity Investment Capital, Task Force on the (2010-12)
- Minority Business Enterprise Reform, Governor's Commission on
- Minority Business Procurement, Governor's Task Force on Centralized Bidder Registration for
- Minority Participation in the Environmental Community, Task Force on
- Missing Vulnerable Adults, Task Force on
- Mortgage Settlement Funds Work Group (AG)
- Motor Carrier Task Force for Safety & Uniformity, Governor's
- Motor Vehicle Liens, Regulation of Towing Practices, & the Disposition of Unclaimed Vehicles, Task Force to Study
- Motor Vehicle Salvage Inspection & Titling Practices, Task Force to Study
- Motor-Vehicle Towing Practices, Task Force to Study
- Multiracial Designations, Task Force on
- Multi-Sport Stadium, Work Group to Study the Feasibility of Building a
- Museum of African-American History & Culture Commission, Md.
- Museum Assistance Review Panel (DOP)
- Mute Swan Advisory Committee
- Mute Swan Task Force, Maryland
- Naming of State Facilities, Roads, & Bridges, Advisory Committee on the
- Nanobiotechnnology, Task Force to Study
- National Association of Stock-Car Auto Racing (NASCAR) Motor Sports, Task Force on
- Neighborhood Stabilization & Homeownership Work Group
- New Americans, Maryland Advisory Council for
- New Americans, Maryland Council for
- 9-1-1 Across Maryland, Commission to Advance Next Generation
- Noise, Advisory Council, Environmental
- Non-Group Health Insurance Market, Task Force to Study the
- Non-Lethal Wildlife Management, Task Force on
- Nonprofit Sector, Governor's Interagency Council for the
- Nursing, Statewide Commission on the Crisis in
- Nursing Facilities, Task Force on Quality of Care In
- Nursing Workforce Commission, Maryland
- Nutrient Reduction Oversight Committee, Interagency
- Nutrition, State Advisory Council on
- Obesity, Committee on Childhood
- Obesity, Task Force to Study Utilization Review of the Surgical Treatment of Morbid
- Obstetric Services, Work Group to Study Access to
- Ocean Acidification on State Waters, Task Force to Study the Impact of
- Offender Employment Coordination, Advisory Council on
- Offshore Wind Business Development Advisory Committee, Maryland
- Oil Pollution Programs, Work Group to Review & Assess Long-Term Funding Needs of State (2010) (DOE)
- Oil Pollution Programs, Work Group to Review & Assess Long-Term Funding Needs of State (2013) (DOE)
- Oil Pollution Programs, Work Group to Review & Assess Long-Term Funding Needs of State (2014)(DOE)
- Oil Spill Prevention Advisory Committee
- One Maryland Blue Ribbon Commission
- Open Data Working Group
- Organ & Tissue Donation Awareness, State Advisory Council on
- Osteoporosis Prevention & Education Task Force
- Outpatient Services Programs Stakeholder Work Group (DHMH)
- Overdose Prevention Council, Governor's
- Oyster Restoration Alternatives, Independent Advisory Panel for the Environmental Impact Statement to Evaluate
- Pain Management, State Advisory Council on
- Parental Relinquishment of Custody to Obtain Health Care Services, Council on
- Parent Advisory Council, Maryland's
- Parking for Individuals with Disabilities, Task Force on
- Parks, Special Commission on State
- Partnership Policy Council on Block Grants
- Patient and Provider Appeal and Grievance Mechanisms, Task Force to Study
- Patient Financial Assistance and Debt Collection, Work Group on
- Patuxent River Oil Spill Citizens Advisory Committee
- Payroll Services, Commission to Study the Regulation of
- Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Services, Technical Advisory Group on Oversight of (DHMH)
- Performance Appraisal Task Force (DBM)
- Performance Excellence Council (DHMH)
- Personal Assistance Services Advisory Committee (DOD)
- Personal Care, Task Force on
- Pesticide Council, Governor's
- Pesticide Reporting & Information Work Group, Maryland
- Pfiesteria Commission, Blue Ribbon Citizens'
- Pharmacy Services in Maryland, Task Force to Study Access to
- Physical Fitness, State Advisory Council on (DH)
- Physician Shortages in Rural Areas, Task Force to Review
- Pier Task Force (DOE)
- Pikesville Armory, Commission on the Future of the
- Port Land-Use Task Force, Governor's
- Poultry Issues Action Team
- Poverty in Maryland, Governor's Commission to Study
- Prekindergarten for Four-Year-Olds, Maryland Work Group to Study the Implementation of Universal Access to
- Prepaid-Tuition Savings Program, Task Force on the Maryland
- Prescription Drug Monitoring, Advisory Council on
- Prescription Drug Repository Program, Task Force on the Establishment of a
- Pretrial System, Governor's Commission to Reform Maryland's
- Pricing & Selection Committee for Rehabilitation & Employment Programs
- Prince George's County, Locations in, Best Suited for Use by State Agencies, Task Force to Study
- Prince George's County (2010), Task Force on Solar Hot Water Systems in
- Prince George's County (2011), Task Force on Solar Hot Water Systems in
- Prince George's County, Task Force on the Establishment of Vocational & Technical Education High-School Academies in
- Prince George's County, Task Force on the Use of Master Meters for Utility Services in
- Prince George's County, Task Force to Study Energy Generation in
- Prince George's County, Task Force to Study a Promise Scholarship Program in
- Prince George's County, Task Force to Study Locating Businesses in Libraries in
- Prince George's County, Work Group on Transportation for Middle & High School Students in
- Prince George's County Environmental Justice Commission
- Prince George's County Juvenile Court & School Safety Work Group
- Prince George's County Pretrial Release, Work Release, & Diversion Programs Task Force
- Prince George's County School Construction Master Plan Work Group
- Prince George's County Schools Management Oversight Panel
- Prince George's County Surcharge Exemptions for Projects Near Transit Properties Work Group
- Prince George's County Transfer Tax Rate, Task Force on
- Prince George's Hospital System Improvement Task Force
- Principals Task Force
- Principalship, Maryland Task Force on the
- Prison Violence in Maryland, Task Force to Study
- Prisoner Re-entry, Task Force on
- Procurement, Commission to Modernize State
- Procurement, Task Force to Study Efficiency in
- Procurement of Health, Education, & Social Services by State Agencies, Task Force to Study the
- Procurement Preferences Task Force
- Professional Services Selection Board, General (DGS)
- Property Insurance in Coastal Areas, Task Force on the Availability & Affordability of
- Public Employees' & Retirees' Benefit Sustainability Commission
- Public-Private Partnerships, Joint Legislative & Executive Commission on Oversight of
- Public Safety Communications Interoperability Governance Work Group
- Public Safety Technology & Critical Infrastructure, State Commission on
- Quiet Vehicles & Pedestrian Safety Task Force, Maryland
- Race-to-the-Top Executive Steering Committee
- Race-to-the-Top Performance Compensation Work Group (SDOE)
- Racing Industry, Commission to Study Ways to Improve the Financial Viability of the
- Reading, Maryland Task Force on
- Redistricting Advisory Committee, Governor's (2001)
- Redistricting Advisory Committee, Governor's (2011)
- Redistricting Reform Commission, Maryland (2015)
- Reform-on-Tap Task Force
- Regional Higher Education Center in Northeastern Maryland, Task Force to Study the Creation of
- Regulatory Efficiency, Task Force on (DHMH)
- Regulatory Reform, Task Force on
- Regulatory Reform Commission
- Reliability & Service Quality Standards, Work Group on (PSC)
- Renewable Alternative Fuels, Task Force on
- Renovation & Repair Needs of Senior Homeowners, Task Force to Study the (DHCD)
- Rent Stabilization for the Elderly in Prince George's County, Task Force to Study
- Repealing the Disenfranchisement of Convicted Felons in Maryland, Task Force to Study
- Representation of Indigent Criminal Defendants by the Office of the Public Defender, Task Force to Study the Laws & Policies relating to
- Residential Child Care Facilities, Interagency Work Group on Incident Reporting in
- Resource-Based Industry in Maryland, Task Force on
- Resource Development and Licensing Committee (Children's Cabinet)
- Restaurants in Prince George's County, Advisory Commission to Study Luxury-Type
- Restraint & Seclusion, Task Force on (SDOE)
- Retail Electric Competition & the Restructuring of the Electric Industry, Task Force to Study
- Retail Energy Supplier Consumer Protection Work Group (PSC)
- Retiree Health-Care Funding Options, Maryland Blue Ribbon Commission to Study
- Retiree Health-Care Funding Options, Task Force to Study
- Retired Military Service Personnel on the Economy of the State, Task Force to Study the Financial Impact of
- Retirement Security for All Marylanders, Task Force to Ensure
- Rural Broadband Coordination Board, Maryland
- Rural Health Care Delivery, Work Group on
- Rural Internet, Broadband, Wireless, & Cellular Service, Task Force on
- Safe Boarding & Discharging of Children on School Vehicles, Task Force to Study the
- Safe Harbor Policy for Youth Victims of Human Trafficking, Work Group to Study
- Safe Schools Interagency Steering Committee
- St. Mary's County Metropolitan Commission, Task Force to Study the Governance & Structure of the
- School Attendance Age to 18, Task Force to Study Raising the Compulsory Public
- School Construction Work-Based Learning & Apprenticeship Programs, Task Force on
- School Discipline Work Group, Best Practices in (SDOE)
- School Facilities, Task Force to Study Public
- School Safety, Task Force on
- School Safety, Task Force to Study the Creation of a Maryland Center for
- School-Based Health Center Policy Advisory Council, Maryland (SDOE)
- School-to-Prison Pipeline & Restorative Practices, Commission on the
- Schools, Task Force to Study a Post-Labor Day Start Date for Maryland Public
- Schools, Visionary Panel for Better
- Science Advisory Council, Governor's
- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Advisory Council, State
- Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) Task Force
- Seafood & Aquaculture Industries, Task Force to Study the Economic Development of the Maryland
- Self-Directed Mental Health Care, Task Force on
- Seniors Commission, Statewide Empowerment Zones for
- Sentencing & Intermediate Sanctions, Task Force on
- Sepsis Public Awareness Campaign Work Group (DH)
- Sewerage Systems, Task Force on Upgrading
- Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Exminations in Maryland, Planning Committee to Implement Improved Access to
- Sexual-Orientation Discrimination in Maryland, Special Commission to Study
- Shelter, Nutrition, & Service Program for Homeless Individuals & Families, Governor's Advisory Board of the (DHS)
- Shore Erosion Task Force
- Sickle Cell Disease Care Working Group, Adult
- Sixth Congressional District Gerrymandering, Emergency Commission on
- Skipjacks Task Force, Save Our
- Slavery in Maryland, Task Force to Study the History & Legacy of
- Slavery's History & Legacy in Maryland, Commission to Coordinate the Study, Commemoration, & Impact of
- Small & Minority Design Firm Participation in State Procurement, Task Force to Study
- Small Business, Governor's Commission on
- Small Business Task Force
- Smart Codes Strategy Group
- Smart Growth Investment Fund Work Group, Maryland (DHCD)
- Smoking in Maryland, Task Force to End
- Snakehead Fish Scientific Advisory Panel, Maryland
- Social Studies Task Force
- Solar Hot Water Systems in Prince George's County, Task Force on
- Solid Waste Management Task Force
- South Mountain Battlefield Historic Tourism Initiative, Task Force on
- Southern Maryland Higher Education Council
- Southern Maryland Transportation Needs, Commission to Study
- Spay/Neuter Fund, Maryland Task Force on the Establishment of a Statewide
- Special Education Access & Equity, Commission on
- Spinal Cord Injury Research, State Board of (DH)
- Sports Injuries in High School Female Athletes, Task Force to Study
- State Employees' Health Insurance Advisory Council
- Structure & Efficiency of State Government, Governor's Commission on the
- Student Achievement in Middle School, Task Force to Study How to Improve
- Student Behavior Intervention Task Force
- Student Physical Fitness in Maryland Public Schools, Task Force on
- Students Subject to Multiple Suspensions, Task Force to Study Issues Related to
- Students with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities, Task Force to Study the Impact of Expanding Credit & Noncredit Courses for
- Substance Abuse Programs, Task Force to Study Increasing the Availability of
- Sustainable Growth & Wastewater Disposal, Task Force on
- Swine Flu Medical Advisory Board (DHMH)
- Tax Benefits for Emergency Preparedness Equipment, Task Force on the Implementation of
- Tax Sales in Maryland, Task Force to Study
- Teacher Education Council, State
- Teacher Induction, Retention, and Advancement Act of 2016 Work Group (SDOE)
- Teacher Shortage Task Force
- Teachers, Study Commission to Explore the Expanded Application of State Stipends for National Certification of
- Technology in Higher Education, Governor's Commission on
- Telemedicine Task Force (DHMH)
- Telework Steering Committee
- Tenant Payment of Landlord Utility Bills, Work Group on (PSC)
- Terrapin Task Force, Maryland Diamondback
- Testing Methods for the Maryland High School Assessments, Task Force on Comparable
- Thermal Renewable Energy Credit Task Force
- Thurgood Marshall Memorial Statue, Governor's Commission on the
- Title Insurance Industry in Maryland, Commission to Study the
- Tobacco Crop Conversion in Maryland, Task Force on
- Tourism, Advisory Committee on
- Transit Funding Study Steering Committee
- Transit Policy Panel
- Transit Study Group, Central Maryland
- Transit-Oriented Development, Special Task Force for
- Transportation Funding, Blue Ribbon Commission on Maryland
- Transportation Funding Task Force, Local & Regional
- Transportation Goals, Benchmarks, & Indicators, Advisory Committee on (DOT)
- Transportation Investment, Commission on
- Transportation Professional Services Selection Board (DOT)
- Transportation Task Force
- Trauma Centers, Study Panel on Funding Needs of
- Trauma Field-Triage Task Force
- Truancy, Task Force to Combat Habitual Student
- Truck Drivers, Work Group to Study Accessibility, Affordability, and Availability of Commercial Motor Vehicle Insurance for Entry-Level (DLLR)
- Two-Generation Family Economic Security Commission
- Unemployed State Residents, Task Force on Development of Educational Programs to Aid
- Unemployment Insurance Funding Task Force
- Uninsured Drivers, Task Force to Study Methods to Reduce the Rate of
- Universal Design for Learning into the Education Systems in Maryland, Task Force to Explore the Incorporation of the Principles of
- University of Maryland, College Park, Football Program, Commission to Investigate the Culture of the
- University System of Maryland, Task Force to Study the Governance, Coordination, & Funding of the
- University System of Maryland Financial Aid Task Force
- Urban Senior-Care Communities in Baltimore City, Task Force to Study the Feasibility of Developing
- Utility Lines Underground, Task Force to Study Moving Overhead
- Utility Services, Task Force to Ensure
- Veterans, Task Force to Study State Assistance to
- Veterans Behavioral Health Advisory Board
- Video Lottery Facility Location Commission
- Virtual Learning, Maryland Advisory Council for (SDOE)
- Vocational & Technical Education High-School Academies in Prince George's County, Task Force on the Establishment of
- Voting Irregularities, Attorney General's Task Force on
- Voting Systems & Election Procedures in Maryland, Special Committee on
- Wage Law, Task Force to Study the Applicability of the Maryland Prevailing
- Wage Rates, Advisory Council on Prevailing (DLLR)
- War of 1812 Bicentennial Commission, Maryland
- Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, Task Force on the Privatization of the
- Washington Suburban Sanitary District, Task Force to Study Rates & Charges in the
- Wastewater Treatment Systems, Interagency Technical Assistance Committee on
- Water Conservation Advisory Committee, Statewide
- Water Quality Advisory Committee, State
- Water Resources, Advisory Committee on the Management & Protection of the State's
- Water Resources (2005), Advisory Committee on the Management & Protection of the State's
- Water Security & Sewerage Systems, State Advisory Council on
- Water Supply Infrastructure, Technical Advisory Committee on
- Web-Based Learning Project Steering Committee
- Western Maryland Economic Development Commission
- Western Maryland Economic Development Task Force
- Wetlands and Waterways Program Funding Work Group (DOE)
- Wetlands Restoration Steering Committee
- Wholesale Distributor Permitting & Prescription Drug Integrity Act Work Group
- Wildlife Management, Task Force on Non-Lethal
- Wine and Grape Advisory Committee, Maryland
- Wine & Grape Promotion Council, Maryland
- Winery & Grape Growers' Advisory Board, Maryland
- Women, Infants & Children Advisory Council, Maryland (DH)
- Women & Information Technology, Task Force on the Status of
- Women in Military Service Monument, Commission on the Establishment of a Maryland
- Women Veterans Monument, Task Force on the Establishment of a Maryland
- Women's Health, Commission on
- Women's Health Promotion Council
- Workforce Creation & Adult Education Transition Council
- Workforce Housing, Governor's Task Force on
- Workforce Quality Advisory Board, Partnership for
- Working Waterfront Commission
- Workplace Fraud, Joint Enforcement Task Force on
- World War I Centennial Commission, Maryland
- World War II Memorial Commission
- Wye Oak Interagency Advisory Committee
- Year-2000 Public Information Task Force, Governor's
- Year-2000 Readiness Task Force, Governor's
- Year-2000 Technical Preparedness Task Force, Governor's
- Youth Citizenship & Violence Prevention, Task Force on
- Youthful Offender Initiative Task Force
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