Judith H. Jenkins, Chair (chosen by Governor)Appointed by Governor: Whitney Ward Birenbaum; Linda Eberhart; LeRoy Corbett Hand IV; Misty Martinez Heelan; Sandra Monaco-Burton; James T. Richardson; Romaine N. Williams, Esq.; Gerald B. Wilson, Ph.D.
Appointed by Senate President: Richard S. Madaleno, Jr.
Appointed by House Speaker: Alonzo T. Washington
Ex officio: Andrenette Mack-Augins, designee of Acting Secretary of Higher Education; Judith H. Jenkins, designee of Deputy State Superintendent for Teaching & Learning; Carolynette Snowden, designee of Assistant Secretary for Workforce Development & Learning, Dept. of Labor, Licensing, & Regulation.
Staff: Henry R. Johnson, Jr., Ed.D.
c/o Division of Curriculum, Assessment, & Accountability
State Department of Education
Nancy S. Grasmick State Education Building, 200 West Baltimore St., Baltimore, MD 21201 - 2595
(410) 767-0316
e-mail: hrjohnson@msde.state.ms.us
In July 2014, the Task Force to Study How to Improve Student Achievement in Middle School was established (Chapter 220, Acts of 2014).
The Task Force was charged to study and analyze the Southern Regional Education Board's 2011 report, A New Mission for the Middle Grades. Next, the Task Force determined the applicability of the report's findings for Maryland schools. If the Task Force concluded that those recommendations would benefit Maryland's middle schools, then the Task Force was charged with developing a Collaborative Action Plan that would create a statewide framework to redesign the middle school learning experience. The Task Force further was to make recommendations for legislation or policy initiatives, or on any other relevant issues.
Authorization for the Task Force ended June 30, 2015.
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