Chair: Catherine J. Motz, Interim Executive Director, Governor's Office for ChildrenState Department of Education representatives: Nancy S. Grasmick, Ph.D., State Superintendent of Schools; Elizabeth A. Kelley, Director, Office of Child Care; Mary E. Clapsaddle, Assistant State Superintendent for Finance; Sidney H. Drake, Chief, Office of Information Technology.
Department of Human Resources representatives: Brenda Donald, Secretary of Human Resources; Kevin M. McGuire, Executive Director of Family Investment; Henry L. Nichols, Chief Financial Officer; Isabel FitzGerald, Chief Information Officer.
Staff: T. J. Bennett (410) 767-6786
Doris Jacobs (410) 767-8558
c/o Department of Human Resources
311 West Saratoga St., Baltimore, MD 21201
In February 2006, the Maryland Child-Care Subsidy Coordinating Council was established (Executive Order 01.01.2006.02). It was responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of policy, procedures, and practices to operate the Child-Care Subsidy Program. For that Program, it set budget and funding priorities, and oversaw the Program's fiscal and budgetary management. Further, the Council was charged with developing a three-year improvement plan for the Child-Care Subsidy Program, and evaluating enrollment patterns in the Program and in other State and local programs.
The Council was chaired by the Executive Director of the Governor's Office for Children. Its members included the State Superintendent of Schools and three additional representatives from the State Department of Education, as well as the Secretary of Human Resources and three representatives from the Department of Human Resources.
The Council submitted its final report in October 2007.
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