Abigail Ross Hopper, Esq., Chair (chosen by Governor)
Appointed by Governor: Patrick B. Donoho; Louise E. Lynch.
Appointed by Senate President: Roger Manno
Appointed by House Speaker: Aruna Miller
Appointed by President, Maryland AARP (formerly American Association of Retired Persons): Tamela Bresnahan
Ex officio: Andrew M. Schaufele, designee of Comptroller of Maryland; Sherry B. Adams, designee of Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene; Kenneth L. Mallette, Director, Maryland Emergency Management Agency; Abigail R. Hopper, Esq., Director, Maryland Energy Administration; DeAndre T. Wilson, designee of Chair, Public Service Commission; Andrew A. Lauland, Governor's Homeland Security Advisor.
Staff: Devon L. Dodson
c/o Maryland Energy Administration
60 West St., Suite 300, Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 260-7257
e-mail: devon.dodson@maryland.gov
In June 2013, the Task Force on the Implementation of Tax Benefits for Emergency Preparedness Equipment was authorized (Chapter 481, Acts of 2013).
The Task Force studied who would benefit either from an income tax credit on the purchase of electric generators or a tax-free period for buying emergency preparedness equipment; and determined whether those dependent on a consistent supply of power due to medical reasons, physical difficulties, or age would benefit more from an income tax credit or a tax-free period for purchasing such equipment, and what the related costs would be. Finally, the Task Force recommended what the required qualifications would be for the income tax credit; the amount of the credit; and the length of the tax-free period for purchasing emergency preparedness equipment.
On January 24, 2014, the Task Force submitted its report to the Governor and General Assembly.
Authorization for the Task Force ended June 30, 2014.
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