Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


Chair (chosen by Governor): Peta N. Richkus, Secretary of General Services

Appointed by Governor: David L. Corum; William S. Ebare; Frederick W. Fallon, Ph.D.; Jan M. Hollis; Charles Lacey, Jr.; Richard N. Schwab; Michael Williams.

Appointed by Senate President: Michael J. Collins; Jennie M. Forehand.

Appointed by House Speaker: C. Richard D'Amato; one vacancy.

Appointed by Secretary of Business & Economic Development: Timothy G. LaValle

Appointed by Secretary of the Environment: Richard A. Eskin, Ph.D.

Appointed by Secretary of Natural Resources: Mark M. Bundy, Ph.D.

Appointed by Secretary of Transportation: John M. Contestabile; Thomas Hicks.

Appointed by Director, Maryland Energy Administration: Thomas Barranco

Appointed by Chancellor, University System of Maryland: Ronald Brown

Appointed by Maryland Association of Counties: Ann L. Elsen

Appointed by Maryland Municipal League: Ann T. Somerset

Appointed by Executive Director, Illuminating Engineering Society of North America: Charles Oerkvitz

Ex officio: J. Stephen Halperin, Ph.D. Dean, College of Computer, Mathematical, & Physical Sciences, University of Maryland, College Park

Contact: Jerald D. Krasnick

c/o Governmental Affairs, Dept. of General Services
301 West Preston St., Baltimore, MD 21201 - 2305
(410) 767-8347

The Task Force to Study Lighting Efficiency and Light Pollution in Maryland organized in 2001 (Joint Resolution no. 12, Acts of 2001). The Task Force estimated the potential fiscal and energy costs and savings associated with the adoption of lighting practices that minimize inefficient lighting, light pollution, and energy waste while meeting important illumination and safety lighting requirements. The benefits of lighting to the public, and the consequences of light pollution in Maryland also were studied and documented by the Task Force.

In March 2002, the Task Force submitted its final report.

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