Robert J. Barrett, Co-ChairR. Dean Kenderdine, Co-Chair
Appointed by Governor: Melissa L. (Missy) Berge; George L. Bowler; Kenneth Caldwell; Randall P. Cogar; Thomas B. Guilfoy; Thomas J. Juliano; Jay Matricciani; Brian Parker, D.D.S.; Alberta Shiflet; Gordon L. Smith; Arthur J. Stumpf, Jr.; Andre Whitaker.
Appointed by Senate President: Thomas L. Bromwell; Michael J. Collins.
Appointed by House Speaker: Diane DeCarlo; Kenneth C. Holt.
Ex officio: Vincent J. Gardina, District 5, Baltimore County Council
c/o Division of Tourism, Film, & the Arts
Dept. of Business & Economic Development
217 East Redwood St., Baltimore, MD 21202 - 3316
(410) 767-6266
e-mail: susans@mdbusiness.state.md.us
At the request of the General Assembly, the Governor created the Task Force on National Association of Stock-Car Auto Racing (NASCAR) Motor Sports in August 1996 (Joint Resolution no. 5, Acts of 1996). The Task Force charge was to investigate the economic impact of a NASCAR motor sports complex on the State and Baltimore County.
In November 1996, the Department of Business and Economic Development, at the request of the Task Force, issued a report, titled The Economic and Fiscal Impacts of the Proposed Essex International Speedway in Maryland. The Task Force last met in December 1996.
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