Larry Young, Senate Chair (chosen by Governor)John P. Donoghue, House Chair (chosen by Governor)
Appointed by Governor: Eric R. Baugh, M.D.; James R. Christina, D.P.M.; Willarda V. Edwards, M.D.; Elmira C. Gwynn; Burt A. Littman, M.D.; R. Lane Wroth, M.D.
Appointed by Senate President: John C. Astle; Martin G. Madden; Larry Young.
Appointed by House Speaker: John P. Donoghue; Marilyn R. Goldwater; Peter A. Hammen.
Contact: Enrique Martinez-Vidal
c/o Dept. of Legislative Services
Legislative Services Building, 90 State Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 946-5350, (301) 970-5350
The Task Force to Study Patient and Provider Appeal and Grievance Mechanisms formed in 1996 (Chapter 548, Acts of 1996). The Task Force charge was to evaluate the use and effectiveness of patient and provider grievance and appeal mechanisms in Maryland law used to appeal decisions of health maintenance organizations.
Recommendations of the Task Force were reported to the Senate Finance Committee and the House Economic Matters Committee in December 1996.
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