Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


Thomas J. Liberatore, Chair (chosen by Task Force)

Appointed by Governor: Coleen T. Bertsch; Yvette Colon; Deborah M. Forish; Lori Jo Freeman; Reinaldo A. John; Joan J. Manny; Noel R. Rose, Ph.D., M.D.; three vacancies.

Appointed by Senate President: Gwendolyn T. Britt

Appointed by House Speaker: Marilyn R. Goldwater

Appointed by Secretary of Disabilities: Robert J. Sweeney

Appointed by Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene: Patricia E. Boehm, R.N.; Hal Sommers.

Representative of Maryland Insurance Administration: Brenda A. Wilson

Staff: Paul D. Patrick

c/o Center for Preventive Health Services
Family Health Administration, Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene
201 West Preston St., Room 300, Baltimore, MD 21201 - 2399
(410) 767-6783

The Task Force to Study the Impact of Autoimmune Disease in Maryland formed in December 2005 (Chapter 437, Acts of 2005). The Task Force was to identify the costs of antoimmune disease that have been incurred by the State, and recommend ways to reduce those costs. In so doing, the Task Force considered ways for local health departments to integrate the most advanced diagnostic techniques and treatments into their health services, and for State agencies, State health services, and private health services to better coordinate their work. In addition, the Task Force was to identify benefits to State citizens of research and medical work conducted in Maryland on autoimmune disease, study ways to improve those benefits, and explore collaborations with State universities and the National Institutes of Health to implement training on autoimmune disease in State and local health departments.

The Task Force submitted its final report to the Governor and General Assembly in December 2006. Authorization for the Task Force ended December 31, 2006.

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