Co-Chairs (chosen by Governor with Senate President & House Speaker):Thomas L. Bromwell, Chair, Senate Finance Committee
Ronald A. Guns, Chair, House Environmental Matters Committee
Appointed by Governor: James D. Fielder, Jr., Ph.D.; Morton Funger: Frederick H. Hoover, Jr.; Jane T. Nishida.
Appointed by Senate President: Thomas L. Bromwell; Arthur Dorman; Brian E. Frosh; John J. Hafer; Barbara A. Hoffman; Mark A. Mona; Robert R. Neall; Larry Young.
Appointed by House Speaker: Leon G. Billings; Dereck Davis; Ronald A. Guns; Sheila E. Hixson; Katherine Klausmeier; John R. Leopold; George W. Owings, Jr.; Kenneth D. Schisler.
Ex officio: Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr., Senate President; Casper R. Taylor, Jr., House Speaker.
Appointed by Governor, Senate President, & House Speaker: Gerald W. Braun; Kirk J. Emge, Esq.; Gary R. Fuhrman; Hugh E. Grunden; Robert W. Hechtman; Marion H. Hull, Ph.D.; Irene Kowalczyk; Lawrence A. LaMotte; Fred M. Mazurski; Jeral A. Milton, Esq.; Kathy L. Mitchell, Esq.; Thomas S. Saquella; I. Wayne Swann; David W. Thomas; Michael J. Travieso, Esq.; Mary Ellen Vanni; Otis Warren, Jr.; J. Mack Wathen.
Contact: Tamela D. Burt; Michael Yarborough.
c/o Dept. of Legislative Services
Legislative Services Building, 90 State Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 946-5530, (301) 970-5530
e-mail: tame@mlis.state.md.us
fax: (410) 946-5555, (301) 970-5555
In 1997, the Task Force to Study Retail Electric Competition and the Restructuring of the Electric Utility Industry formed (Chapter 106, Acts of 1997). The Task Force charge was to evaluate the impact of implementing retail electric competition in Maryland. In particular, the Task Force determined how such competition would affect generators of electricity; Maryland citizens and businesses; local property and use taxes; and social, environmental and other public service functions provided by the regulated electric utility industry. The Task Force also noted how competition would affect alternative energy sources. In addition, the Task Force was to identify, document, and study the restructuring of the electric utility industry in other states, and the terms by which it has been offered or rejected in other states.
No report was issued. Authorization for the Task Force ended June 30, 1998.
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