Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


Thomas M. Middleton, Senate Co-Chair (chosen by Senate President)
C. William Frick, House Co-Chair (chosen by House Speaker)

Appointed by Governor: Ragina C. Averella; Christopher Gude; Larry E. Hinton; Gary J. Krupka, Esq.; Arthur W. Lambert; Michael J. McCartin; Martin Schwartz; John B. Stansbury.

Appointed by Senate President: Catherine E. Pugh

Appointed by House Speaker: Benjamin T. Brooks, Sr.

Ex officio: Capt. Mark A. McGuire, designee of Secretary of State Police; Lynn R. Dickerson, designee of Maryland Insurance Commissioner; Christine E. Nizer, Motor Vehicle Administrator; Mark D. McCurdy, Esq., Executive Director, Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund; Elizabeth A. Sachs, Executive Director, Job Opportunities Task Force.

Staff: Tamela D. Burt; e-mail:
Richard L. Duncan; e-mail:
Robert K. Smith; e-mail:

c/o Dept. of Legislative Services
Legislative Services Building, 90 State Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 946-5530, (301) 970-5530

In April 2014, the Task Force to Study Methods to Reduce the Rate of Uninsured Drivers was authorized (Chapter 41, Acts of 2014).

The Task Force studied the rate of uninsured drivers both in Maryland and in other states, and how that rate is calculated. How drivers whose coverage has lapsed but are in the process of being reinsured affect the calculation of uninsured drivers also was considered.

Deterrents and incentives currently used, or which could be tried to reduce the rate of uninsured drivers were studied and evaluated by the Task Force. Also, ways of lowering the cost of insurance as a means to reduce the number of uninsured drivers and to promote the economic benefits of vehicle ownership were evaluated. Finally, the Task Force made recommendations based on its findings.

Authorization for the Task Force ended December 31, 2015. In the 2016 legislative session, the Task Force's co-chairs introduced legislation based on the work of the Task Force, which was enacted as Chapters 402, 426, and 447, Acts of 2016.

The Task Force submitted its final report in July 2016.

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