William B. Moulden, Chair (chosen by Governor)Appointed by Governor: Jeffrey D. Popp; Willem M. Roosenburg, Ph.D.; Jane L. Sinclair; Katrina B. Smith; Keith R. Underwood; Anthony N. Young.
Appointed by Senate President: Paul G. Pinsky
Appointed by House Speaker: Virginia P. Claggett
Staff: Marguerite (Margie) Whilden
c/o Conservation & Stewardship Programs
Policy & Fisheries Development Division
Fisheries Service
Dept. of Natural Resources
Tawes State Office Building, C-4, 580 Taylor Ave., Annapolis, MD 21401 - 2397
(410) 260-8269
In April 2001, the Maryland Diamondback Terrapin Task Force was formed by the Governor (Executive Order 01.01.2001.05). The Task Force evaluated current and projected population data on Maryland's diamondback terrapins. Management practices were assessed by the Task Force and long-term strategies recommended to preserve and protect the species. For the immediate protection of the State's diamondback terrapins (while further studies are completed), the Task Force proposed interim measures to minimize risk, and will assist the Department of Natural Resources in implementing such measures.
The Task Force reported its recommendations to the Secretary of Natural Resources on September 20, 2001.
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