Thomas K. Lee, Chair (chosen by Governor)Appointed by Governor: William M. Downing; Richard E. Norman; Cole B. Weston; C. Vernon Wilhelm, Jr.
Appointed by Senate President: David R. Brinkley; James E. DeGrange.
Appointed by House Speaker: Steven J. DeBoy; Robert A. McKee.
Ex officio: James C. DiPaula, Jr., Secretary of Budget & Management; Nancy K. Kopp, State Treasurer; William Donald Schaefer, Comptroller of Maryland; Thomas K. Lee, Executive Director, State Retirement Agency.
Staff: Margaret A. Bury, J. Howard Pleines
c/o State Retirement Agency
120 East Baltimore St., Baltimore, MD 21202 - 1600
(410) 625-5602; fax: (410) 468-1710
e-mail: sra@sra.state.md.us
In August 2004, the Task Force on the Exemption of Law Enforcement Officers' Pensions from Taxation organized (Chapter 534, Acts of 2004). The Task Force studied the effects of exempting the pensions of law enforcement officers from State income tax. The proposed exemption would affect members of the State Police Retirement System, the Law Enforcement Officers' Pension System, the Local Fire and Police System, those parole and probation officers belonging to Employees' Retirement System or Employees' Pension System, and members of any local pension or retirement system for law enforcement officers.
On December 28, 2004, the Task Force reported to the Governor and General Assembly. Authorization for the Task Force ended January 31, 2005.
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