Luiz R. S. Simmons, ChairAppointed by Governor: Michael L. Alexander; Beth M. Arman; Walakewon Blegay, Esq.; Brian S. Cavey; J. Ronald DeJuliis; Michael J. Kastner, Jr.; Robert I. Lerman, Ph.D.; Charles E. McGee, Jr.; Matthew Redabaugh; Jason C. Roberts; Grant B. Shmelzer.
Appointed by Senate President: Delores G. Kelley; Victor R. Ramirez.
Appointed by House Speaker: Benjamin F. Kramer; Warren E. Miller; Luiz R. S. Simmons.
Ex officio: Angela Thornton, designee of Secretary of Business & Economic Development; Katharine M. Oliver, designee of State Superintendent of Schools; Leonard J. Howie III, Esq., Secretary of Labor, Licensing, & Regulation.
Staff: Laura H. Atas; Sally M. Guy; Tiffany J. Johnson; David A. Smulski.
c/o Dept. of Legislative Services
Legislative Services Building, 90 State Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 946-5350, (301) 970-5350
In October 2012, the Task Force to Study Economic Development and Apprenticeships was established (Chapter 665, Acts of 2012). First, the Task Force was to research the effectiveness of existing apprenticeship programs in the United States and abroad, particularly in Germany and Switzerland. Next, the Task Force was to consider how Maryland's programs could be improved, based on that research. Specific recommendations were to be made on the role secondary schools should play in successful apprenticeship programs, and whether a major expansion in apprenticeships is appropriate and feasible. If the Task Force found that expansion should be undertaken, then the Task Force was to develop a multi-year plan to do so, as well as a pilot apprenticeship program.
Of the Task Force's nineteen members, the Governor appointed eleven, the Senate President two, and the House Speaker three. Three members served ex officio.
In February 2014, the Task Force submitted its report to the Governor and General Assembly.
Authorization for the Task Force extended to December 31, 2013.
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