Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


[photo, Montgomery Park Business Center, 1800 Washington Blvd., Baltimore, Maryland] c/o Water Management Administration
Department of the Environment
Montgomery Park Business Center, 1800 Washington Blvd., Baltimore, MD 21230
(410) 537-3524

Montgomery Park Business Center, 1800 Washington Blvd., Baltimore, Maryland, February 2004. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

Appointed by Secretary of the Environment & Secretary of Natural Resources to 3-year terms:
Julie A. Pippel, Chair (chosen by Committee in June, 1-year term), 2014

Louise Lawrence; Theaux Le Gardeur; John Scarborough; Sarah J. Taylor-Rogers, Ph.D.; Stephen Witt. Terms expire 2014.

David W. Bolton; Fred Jacobs, Ph.D.; Matthew Logan; Shannon Lucas; Stephen Luckman; Terry R. Matthews; Edwin F. Singer; Richard Spencer; Mark A. Symborski; Charles W. Walker, Ph.D. Terms expire 2015.

Samuel J. Biondo, Sc.D.; Michael L. Clar; David T. Duree; Ellen A. Frketic; Paulette G. Hammond; Melissa A. Kenney, Ph.D.; Lawrence R. Liebesman, Esq.; Katie Maloney; Nancy Pentz; Paul S. Scott; Michael Pieper; Stephen Stewart; Karen Wiggen. Terms expire 2016.

Appointed by Senate President: one vacancy

Appointed by House Speaker: Marvin E. Holmes, Jr.

    Meetings: first Fridays, 9:30 a.m. (Jan., March, May, July, Sept., Nov.)

Staff: Christine A. Thomas

Organized in the 1970s, the State Water Quality Advisory Committee advised agencies that received funding under the federal Clean Water Act from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on ways to improve and protect water quality in Maryland (Federal Regulations 40 CFR, Part 25), and on all matters of statewide water quality significance. Among the agencies so advised were the Department of the Environment, the Department of Natural Resources, and any Maryland agency that received funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Some thirty-two members composed the Committee. They were appointed jointly by the Secretary of the Environment and the Secretary of Natural Resources to three-year terms.

Last met in 2016.

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