Chair (chosen by Governor): Catherine M. Shultz, Esq., Acting Secretary of Higher EducationAppointed by Governor: Marcellous S. Butler; Terry P. Goolsby, J.D.; Marc Morgan.
Appointed by Senate President: Catherine E. Pugh
Appointed by House Speaker: Michael L. Vaughn
Ex officio: Frederick H. Hoover, designee of Director, Maryland Energy Administration; Patricia Pierce Ramsey, Ph.D., designee of President, Bowie State University; Mintesnot Jiru, Ph.D., designee of President, Coppin State University; Victor McCrary, Jr., Ph.D., designee of President, Morgan State University; G. Dale Wesson, Ph.D., designee of President, University of Maryland Eastern Shore.
Staff: Melinda T. Vann
c/o Office of Secretary of Higher Education
Maryland Higher Education Commission
6 North Liberty St., 10th floor, Baltimore, MD 21201
(410) 767-3269
Staff: Andrew M. Gohn
c/o Maryland Energy Administration
60 West St., Suite 300, Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 260-7190
In June 2013, the Maryland Clean Energy Program Task Force was authorized (Chapter 3, Acts of 2013).
The Task Force was to study and make recommendations regarding the feasibility of establishing a terminal degree or certificate program in clean energy at one or more of the following public universities: Bowie State University; Coppin State University; Morgan State University; and University of Maryland Eastern Shore.
In July 2014, the Task Force submitted its report to the Governor and General Assembly.
Authorization for the Task Force ended July 31, 2014.
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