Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


Nancy J. King, Co-Chair (chosen by Governor)
Carolyn J. B. Howard, Co-Chair (chosen by Governor)

Appointed by Governor: Kathleen O. Branch; Douglas E. Breisch; John F. Conwell, Esq.; Suellen M. Ferguson, Esq.; Mitsuko R. Herrera; Art Jacoby; Gary S. Lindsey; Morris A. Little; Scott R. Mackey; Michael McLoughlin; Phillip A. Raines; Andrew Reinsdorf; R. Wayne Strausburg; Karen T. Syrylo; James J. Tarlau; Raymond S. Wacks.

Appointed by Senate President: James E. DeGrange, Sr.; Nancy J. King.

Appointed by House Speaker: Talmadge Branch; Carolyn J. B. Howard.

Ex officio: David F. Roose, designee of Comptroller of Maryland; Laura N. Kittel, designee of Director of Assessments & Taxation.

Staff: Andrew M. Schaufele; Linda I. Vasbinder.

c/o Comptroller of Maryland
P. O. Box 466, Goldstein Treasury Building, 80 Calvert St., Annapolis, MD 21404 - 0466
(410) 260-7450

In June 2012, the Communications Tax Reform Commission was authorized (Chapters 261 & 262, Acts of 2012). The Commission was charged with evaluating the tax and fee system on the communications industry, and the feasibility and fiscal implications of modernizing it for State and local government. In its assessment, the Commission considered the sales and use tax; taxes on State and local property, public service company franchises, corporate income, and local communications; and any other relevant communications taxes or fees.

To assist the Commission in its work, the Office of Comptroller and the State Department of Assessments and Taxation collected data from State and local governments, and communications service providers by December 15, 2012.

Twenty-two members made up the Commission. Sixteen were appointed by the Governor, who named the chair. Two each were appointed by the Senate President and House Speaker, and two serve ex officio.

On June 30, 2013, the Commission submitted its final report to the Governor and General Assembly.

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