Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


Chair: Robert A. Gorrell, Executive Director, Interagency Commission on School Construction

[photo, Nancy S. Grasmick State Education Building, 200 West Baltimore St., Baltimore, Maryland] Appointed by Senate President: Bill Ferguson; James C. Rosapepe.

Appointed by House Speaker: Mark S. Chang; Jefferson L. Ghrist.

Appointed by Interagency Commission on School Construction: Brian J. Gibbons; Daniele Haley; Richard M. Lombardo; Chris Parts; Lisa Anne Seaman-Crawford; Kathleen P. S. Sherrill; Cynthia Smith; Robert Wilkinson.

Nancy S. Grasmick State Education Building, 200 West Baltimore St., Baltimore, Maryland, March 2014. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

Staff: Cassandra Viscarra

c/o Interagency Commission on School Construction
State Department of Education
Nancy S. Grasmick State Education Building, 200 West Baltimore St., Baltimore, MD 21201
(410) 767-0611

In June 2018, the Work Group on Educational Development Specifications was formed (Chapter 14, Acts of 2018).

The Work Group reviewed square footage allocations used to calculate the State maximum allowable square footage for a project, and determined whether any requirements are overly restrictive and if alternative methods might more efficiently use space. School design standards and guidelines of the State Department of Education also were reviewed to ensure that they are not overly specific and aligned with space allowances for specific types of space. Further, the Work Group scrutinized the use of regional cost-per-square-foot figures in the annual State cost-per-square-foot figures, and examined the State-Rated Capacity process. In order to examine the differences of cost per student in various local jurisdictions, the cost-per-student of school construction projects was reviewed, in both new or replacement schools and major renovations of existing facilities.

In July 2019, the Work Group submitted its report to the Governor and General Assembly.

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