Sandra E. Conner, Co-Chair (chosen by Governor)John A. Heath, Co-Chair (chosen by Governor)
Appointed by Governor: Angela Bethea-Spearman; Clarence Davis; Lawrence J. Hawkins, Jr.; Alvin J. Levi; George J. Moniodis; Rev. Frankie Lee Powell; Daniel F. Rosen; Ezio M. Ross; Cecelia F. Walker; Alison Welch; Stephen D. Whisler.
Contact: Simon Taylor
c/o Maryland Transit Administration
William Donald Schaefer Tower, 6 St. Paul St., 2nd floor, Baltimore, MD 21202 - 1614
(410) 767-3787
In May 2006, the Baltimore Red Line Comunity Advisory Council was initiated by the Governor (Executive Order 01.01.2006.04). The Council advised the Maryland Transit Administration as it proceeded with the planning, engineering and environmental review process for the Red Line Transit Project. As proposed, the Red Line would connect a 10.5 mile, east-west corridor from the Woodlawn area in Baltimore County through downtown Baltimore to Fell's Point and Patterson Park. Transportation options being considered for the Red Line include bus rapid transit, light rail transit, or enhanced bus service.
To the Council, the Governor appointed up to fifteen members who may be residents, business owners, or others who have an interest in the Red Line Project.
Effective July 30, 2007, the Council was superceded by the Citizens Advisory Council for the Baltimore Corridor Transit Study - Red Line (Executive Order 01.01.2007.12).
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