Joan Carter Conway, Co-Chair (chosen by Senate President)Michael L. Vaughn, Co-Chair (chosen by House Speaker)
Appointed by Governor: Theodore F. Bayer; Joan M. Cadden; Luwanda W. Jenkins; Franklin M. Lee, Esq.; Richelle L. Thomas; Stanley W. Tucker; one vacancy.
Appointed by Senate President: Catherine E. Pugh
Appointed by House Speaker: Nathaniel T. Oaks
Staff: Micah Watson
Office of Minority Business Enterprise, Dept. of Transportation
Harry R. Hughes Department of Transportation Building, 7201 Corporate Center Drive, Hanover, MD 21076
(410) 865-1258
e-mail: mwatson@mdot.state.md.us
In October 2008, the Task Force on the Minority Business Enterprise Program and Equity Investment Capital was initiated (Chapter 463, Acts of 2008). The Task Force was to study how minority business enterprises in Maryland might more easily acquire investment equity capital while still retaining operational control and protecting the equity investors. To authorize and encourage equity investment in minority business enterprises in Maryland, the Task Force also was to recommend modifications to the Minority Business Enterprise Program. Further, the Task Force was to draft legislation for the 2010 legislative session based on their recommendations.
Authorization for the Task Force extended through December 1, 2009. The Task Force did not submit a report.
In June 2010, a second task force of the same name convened (Chapters 513 & 514, Acts of 2010).
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