Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


Jade Ann Gingerich, Co-Chair (chosen by Secretary of Disabilities, Secretary of General Services, & Maryland Works, Inc.)
Anne M. H. Hubbard, Co-Chair (chosen by Secretary of Disabilities, Secretary of General Services, & Maryland Works, Inc.)

Appointed by Secretary of Disabilities, Secretary of General Services, & Maryland Works, Inc.: Janice Frey Angel; Hugh (Butch) Arnold; Dick Barnard; Sarah Basehart; Richard Callahan; Kristen Cox; Gail Fricke; Colleen Garauder; Jackie Golden; Robert Hofmann; Christine Johnson; Leigh Jones; Catherine Lyle; Brian J. McAllister; James Miller; Michael Purkey; Anne Rea; Steven Reeder; Morris Tranen; John van de Vaarst; Dawn Weglein; Tracy Wright.

Contact: Jade Ann Gingerich

c/o Dept. of Disabilities
One Market Center, 300 West Lexington St., Box 10, Baltimore, MD 21201 - 3435
(410) 333-3098

At the instigation of the Department of General Services and the Office for Individuals with Disabilities, the Procurement Preferences Task Force was convened in March 2004. The Task Force charge was to recommend changes to the State's procurement process that most effectively would support individualized, integrated employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities.

The Task Force submitted its report to Secretary of Disabilities and the Secretary of General Services on October 1, 2004.

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