John L. Bohanan, Jr., Chair (chosen jointly by Senate President & House Speaker)Appointed by Senate President: Ulysses Currie; Roy P. Dyson; Edward J. Kasemeyer; Donald F. Munson.
Appointed by House Speaker: Joseph R. Bartlett; John L. Bohanan, Jr.; Norman H. Conway; John A. Olszewski, Jr.
Appointed jointly by Senate President & House Speaker: Norman R. Augustine; John Paul Davey; John C. Erickson; Murray K. (Ray) Hoy, Ed.D.; Larry Letow; Lawrence A. Shulman; Garland O. Williamson; one vacancy.
Ex officio: Anthony G. Brown, Lt. Governor; T. Eloise Foster, Secretary of Budget & Management; James E. Lyons, Sr., Ph.D., Secretary of Higher Education; William E. Kirwan, Ph.D., Chancellor & Chief Executive Officer, University System of Maryland; David J. Ramsay, D.M., D. Phil., President, University of Maryland, Baltimore; C. Daniel Mote, Jr., President, University of Maryland, College Park; Susan C. Aldridge, Ph.D., President, University of Maryland University College; Earl S. Richardson, Ed.D., President, Morgan State University; Robert L. Caret, Ph.D., President, Towson University; William R. Brody, Ph.D., President, The Johns Hopkins University; Tina M. Bjarekull, President, Maryland Independent College and University Association; H. Clay Whitlow, Executive Director, Maryland Association of Community Colleges.
Staff: Rachel H. Hise; Dana K. Tagalicod.
c/o Dept. of Legislative Services
Legislative Services Building, 90 State Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 946-5350, (301) 970-5350
The Commission to Develop the Maryland Model for Funding Higher Education was authorized in July 2006 (Chapter 57, Acts of 2006). To ensure accessibility and affordability while promoting policies to achieve national eminence at all Maryland public institutions of higher education, the Commission was to review options for a consistent and stable funding mechanism for higher education. In this process, it also was to consider the appropriate level of funding for the State's historically black institutions to keep them comparable and competitive with other public institutions.
In December 2007, the Commission submitted an interim report, and in December 2008 a final report to the Governor and General Assembly. Authorization for the Commission ended June 1, 2009 (Chapter 45, Acts of 2008).
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