Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


[photo, Hampton Plaza, 300 East Joppa Road, Towson, Maryland] Chair: Alan C. Woods III, Executive Director, Governor's Office of Crime Control and Prevention

Appointed by Governor: Gordon A. Aoyagi; H. Lee Cornwell; Judith F. Davis; one vacancy.

Appointed by Senate President: Leonard H. Teitelbaum

Appointed by House Speaker: one vacancy

Ex officio: Robert M. Bell, Chief Judge, Court of Appeals; S. Anthony McCann, Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene; Christopher J. McCabe, Secretary of Human Resources; Kenneth C. Montague, Jr., Secretary of Juvenile Justice; Mary Ann Saar, Secretary of Public Safety and Correctional Services; Col. Thomas E. (Tim) Hutchins, Secretary of State Police; Robert L. Flanagan, Secretary of Transportation; Ellis L. Kitchen, Chief of Information Technology; John W. Droneburg III, Director, Maryland Emergency Management Agency; Robert R. Bass, M.D., Executive Director, Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Service Systems.

Hampton Plaza, 300 East Joppa Road, Towson, Maryland, May 2004. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

Staff: Linda Hill-Franklin

c/o Governor's Office of Crime Control & Prevention
Hampton Plaza, 300 East Joppa Road, Suite 1105, Baltimore, MD 21286 - 3016
(410) 321-3521, ext. 391; 1-877-687-9004 (toll free)
fax: (410) 321-3116

The State Commission on Public Safety Technology and Critical Infrastructure was created in November 2002 (Chapter 277, Acts of 2002). The Commission recommended standards, procedures, and protocols to the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals to ensure the compatibility of the communication and information management systems of the Judiciary. Regulations to ensure the compatibility and operability of information management systems maintained by State, county and municipal public safety units were adopted by the Commission. Furthermore, the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals, the Department of Budget and Management, the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee, and the House Commerce and Government Matters Committee were kept informed by the Commission on whether communication and information management systems supported by State funds meet standards (Code 1957, Art. 41, secs. 3-101 through 3-108).

Authorization for the Commission terminated on June 30, 2005, and certain of its duties transferred to the Criminal Justice Information Advisory Board (Chapter 447, Acts of 2005).

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