Edward J. Kasemeyer, Chair (chosen by Senate President & House Speaker)Mary-Dulany James, Co-Chair (chosen by Senate President & House Speaker)
Appointed by Senate President: Patrick J. Hogan; Edward J. Kasemeyer; Donald F. Munson.
Appointed by House Speaker: Susan L. M. Aumann; Mary-Dulany James; Murray D. Levy.
Ex officio: William Donald Schaefer, Comptroller of Maryland; Nancy K. Kopp, State Treasurer; Cecilia Januszkiewicz, Secretary of Budget & Management.
Staff: Anne E. Gawthrop; Victoria L. Gruber; Susan D. John; Elizabeth H. Moss; Michael C. Rubenstein.
c/o Department of Legislative Services
Legislative Services Building, 90 State Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401 - 1991
(410) 946-5510, (301) 970-5510
The Task Force to Study Retiree Health-Care Funding Options was created in July 2005 (Chapter 298, Acts of 2005). The Task Force was charged with commissioning an actuarial valuation of liabilities which might be incurred by the State's retiree health insurance subsidy. Also, the Task Force examined options to pay for any liability associated with State retiree health care, as required by certain governmental accounting standards.
On December 23, 2005, the Task Force submitted its final report to the Governor and General Assembly.
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