![[photo, State House, Annapolis, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/25ind/images/statehouse/1198-1-06302b.jpg)
Staff: Shelley Spruill
c/o Governor's StateStat Office
State House, Annapolis, MD 21401 - 1925
(410) 260-3945
State House, Annapolis, Maryland, January 2014. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
Representing Dept. of Agriculture: Carrie D. DeBoy
Representing Dept. of Budget & Management: Robin R. Sabatini
Representing Dept. of Business & Economic Development: Michael A. Grandel
Representing Dept. of the Environment: Andrew Gosden
Representing Dept. of General Services: Tamara Jones-Short
Representing Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene: Andrea Bankoski; Mark Shenton.
Representing Dept. of Housing & Community Development: Hazel J. Heeren
Representing Dept. of Human Resources: Maria Tillman
Representing Dept. of Information Technology: Barney Krucoff
Representing Dept. of Juvenile Services: John E. Irvine
Representing Dept. of Labor, Licensing, & Regulation: Daniel Savery
Representing Dept. of Natural Resources: Helen Stewart
Representing Dept. of Planning: Alfred Sundara
Representing Dept. of Public Safety & Correctional Services: Christina N. Lentz
Representing Dept. of State Police: Elliot M. Cohen
Representing Dept. of Transportation: Charles F. (Chuck) Bristow
Representing State Dept. of Assessments & Taxation: one vacancy
Representing Maryland Energy Administration: Daniel Lauf
The Open Data Working Group was authorized by the Governor in October 2012 (Executive Order 01.01.2012.18).
Maryland's Open Data Initiative was implemented by the Open Data Working Group, which met regularly to discuss policy and goals. The Group created an open data portal so citizens may access a dynamic data catalog of information compiled by State agencies. The data portal also accepts feedback from Marylanders on the available data, and what data should be available.
The Working Group last met in September 2013. Many of its functions were assumed by the Council on Open Data in June 2014.
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