Appointed by Governor:
Katherine M. Oliver, Co-Chair
Grant Schmelzer, Co-Chair
Kathleen M. Beauman; Joseph T. Biglin; Valerie J. Brennan; Michelle L. Butt; Peter F. Cevenini; Trudy E. Chara; M. Andy Chaves; Tim A. Corder; Lisa C. Cox; Thomas G. Evans; June D. Fordham; Susan T. Gorman; Larry R. Greenhill, Sr.; Joe A. Hairston, Ed.D.; Jeffrey L. Hargraves; Theresa W. Hollander; Dean R. Kendall; Victoria Lee; Marjorie R. Lohnes; Kevin E. Lowndes; George Mayo VI; Lynn M. Patterson; Mary Etta Reedy; Anne Spence; Theresa D. Stafford; Jasper L. Wilson; Ralph T. Wolfe; Anthony Wong; Holly A. Woodward.
In October 2008, the P-20 Leadership Council of Maryland established the Career and Technology Education Task Force. In May 2009, the Task Force submitted its final report.
Appointed by Governor:
Nancy S. Grasmick, Ph.D., Co-Chair
James E. Lyons, Sr., Ph.D., Co-Chair
Guy Altieri, Ed.D.; Kathryn A. Barbour; Mickey L. Burnim, Ph.D.; Ann N. Bonitatibus; Joann A. Boughman, Ph.D.; Joan Carter Conway; Norman H. Conway; Deborah J. Cruise, Ph.D.; Ulysses Currie; Mary Kay Finan, Ed.D.; Gino J. Gemignani, Jr.; Barbara A. Gill; Joe A. Hairston, Ed.D.; Christine Handy-Collins, Ed.D.; Elliot L. Hirschman, Ph.D.; Sheila E. Hixson; Daryl E. Kennedy; William E. Kirwan, Ph.D.; Karen Neal; Carl D. Roberts, Ed.D.; T. Joan Robinson, Ph.D.; Eric M. Seleznow; Linda T. Wise.
The College Success Task Force began meeting in May 2009. The Task Force is to examine Maryland educational policies and practices concerned with students being prepared for and succeeding in college. Specifically, the Task Force will identify gaps between high school graduation requirements and college entrance expectations, particularly in reading, writing, and mathematics. Further, the Task Force will identify national benchmark educational achievement standards, and, based on those benchmarks, recommend changes to current standards and policies to ensure successful transitions from high school to college. In May 2010, the Task Force submitted its final report to the P-20 Leadership Council of Maryland.
In October 2008, the Principals Task Force was established by the P-20 Leadership Council of Maryland. The Task Force developed a plan to provide support to current principals and training of future principals, and submitted its final report in May 2009.
Under the P-20 Leadership Council of Maryland, the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Task Force formed in 2008. The Task Force recommended ways to improve science, technology, engineering and mathematics education in Maryland, and increase the number of graduates with degrees in these fields. In August 2009, the Task Force submitted its final report to the Governor.
In September 2013, the P-20 Leadership Council of Maryland created the Task Force on Arts Education in Maryland Schools. After surveying the current status of arts education in the State, the Task Force made recommendations to the Council on fine arts policy curriculum, professional development, and resource allocation in September 2014.
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