Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


Chair (chosen by Governor): Major F. Riddick, Jr., designee of Governor

Appointed by Governor: Joseph F. Barbera; Richard Bernstein; Patrick W. Dowd, Ph.D.; Donald V. Evans; Ronald G. Forsythe, Jr., Ph.D.; Jaye S. Gamble; Stephen J. Herman, Ph.D.; Gregory W. Hurtt; Paul Jacoby; F. Suzanne Jenniches; Eugene T. Lauer; Gilbert H. E. Morgan; Michael E. Patrick; Donald R. Riley, Ph.D.; Steven D. Rizzi; George R. Thoma, Ph.D.; G. William Troxler, Ed.D.; Patricia E. Wallace; Danny B. Weddle, Ph.D.; Judith A. Wood; Kenneth A. Yowan.

Ex officio: Frederick W. Puddester, Secretary of Budget & Management; Richard C. Mike Lewin, Ph.D., Secretary of Business & Economic Development; John D. Porcari, Secrertary of Transportation; Patricia S. Florestano, Ph.D., Secretary of Higher Education; Glenn F. Ivy, Esq., Chair, Public Service Commission.

Staff: Karl L. Damanda

c/o Telecommunications
Dept. of Budget & Management
45 Calvert St., Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 260-7546; fax: (410) 974-5060

The Task Force on High-Speed Network Development formed in October 1998 (Chapter 715, Acts of 1998). The Task Force charge was to study developments in regions of the country where high-speed computer networking is progressing in order to assess costs, benefits, and infrastructure. The Task Force evaluated the advantages of developing high-speed computer networking throughout Maryland, including its use for education and training and configurational options for public, private and residential access. In addition, the Task Force recommended State policies for the promotion, development, and equitable use of high-speed computer networking, as well as what equipment, configuration, and location would provide effective statewide access (Code State Finance and Procurement Article, sec. 3-706).

The Task Force submitted its first report to the Governor and General Assembly on January 1, 1999, and its final report on January 1, 2000.

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