Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


[photo, One Plaza Center, 120 West Fayette St., Baltimore, Maryland] c/o Office of Secretary, Dept. of Juvenile Services
One Center Plaza, 120 West Fayette St., Baltimore, MD 21201
(410) 230-3346

One Plaza Center, 120 West Fayette St., Baltimore, Maryland, April 2001. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

Ana Sol Gutierrez, Co-Chair (chosen by House Speaker)
Doyle L. Niemann, Co-Chair (chosen by House Speaker)

Appointed by Governor: Kimberly M. Armstrong; Audrey Moore Bennett; Luis M. Chavez; John E. Deasy, Ph.D.; Reginald G. Garnett; Candace Kattar; Tina A. Maddox; Elizabeth Park; Arleen Rogan, Ph.D.; C. Anthony Thompson; Robin A. Tomechko; Jerry D. Weast, Ed.D.; Albert A. Zachik, M.D.

Ex officio: Charles J. Buckler, designee of State Superintendent of Schools; John M. Colmers, Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene; Brian L. Wilbon, Acting Secretary of Human Resources; Donald W. DeVore, Secretary of Juvenile Services; Carmen A. Brown, Executive Director, Office of Licensing & Monitoring, Dept. of Human Resources; Kristen M. Mahoney, Executive Director, Governor's Office of Crime Control & Prevention; Laurel Albin, designee of Public Defender.

Staff: Lauren B. Gordon

Report to Governor, General Assembly, Governor's Office for Children, Advisory Council for Children, & Joint Committee on Children, Youth, & Families due July 1, 2008 (Chapter 466, Acts of 2006; Chapter 460, Acts of 2007).

The Delinquency Prevention and Diversion Services Task Force was authorized on July 1, 2006 (Chapter 466, Acts of 2006). The Task Force was to study, survey, and assess the adequacy, quality and quantity of delinquency prevention and diversion services provided to juvenile offenders in Maryland. Such services, which could be mandated, included: behavior management and counseling; drug and alcohol treatment; monitoring; relocation; community service; family and parental counseling; and mental health services. They also covered job, career and skills training; work opportunities; tattoo removal; mentoring; social and health services; after-school programs; youth bureau services; truancy and drop-out prevention policy and programs; general education development (G.E.D); vocational and alternative high school programs; school re-entry options; and community conferencing programs. Further, the Task Force reviewed what services were provided to youths processed through intake by the Department of Juvenile Services but not adjudicated delinquent or committed to a juvenile facility.

Authorization for the Task Force expired September 30, 2008, but the Task Force continued to meet through September 2009.

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