Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


Appointed by Governor:
George L. Russell, Jr., Esq., Chair (chosen by Governor)

Aris Tee Allen, Jr.; Nancy Brennan; Harold A. Carter, Ph.D.; Spencer R. Crew, Ph.D.; Samuel T. Daniels, Sr.; Vernon N. Dobson; Louis J. Grasmick; Carla D. Hayden, Ph.D.; Burney J. Hollis, Ph.D.; Susan M. Jones; Doris H. Ligon; Franklin M. Reid III, Ph.D.; Barbara Wells Sarudy; Walker S. Thomas, Ph.D.; Linda Pinder Wheatley.

Ex officio: James D. Fielder, Jr., Ph.D., Acting Secretary of Business & Economic Development; Patricia J. Payne, Secretary of Housing & Community Development; Kurt L. Schmoke, Mayor of Baltimore City.

Nikki DeJesus Smith, Executive Director

c/o Division of Historical & Cultural Programs
Dept. of Housing & Community Development
100 Community Place, Crownsville, MD 21032
(410) 514-7654; fax: (410) 987-4071

The Governor established the Maryland Museum of African-American History and Culture Commission in August 1994 (Executive Order 01.01.1994.23). The Commission planned the construction, operation, and programming of the Maryland Museum of African-American History and Culture. A State facility, the Museum is expected to open in the year 2000 at the corner of Pratt and President Streets in Baltimore. The Commission also secured government and private foundation funding for the project, as well as community and technical support for its operation.

Authorization for the Commission ended October 1, 1998 (Chapter 428, Acts of 1998).

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