Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


Chair: Peta N. Richkus, Secretary of General Services

Appointed by Governor: Lavonzella Siggers, 2002; James W. Morrow, Esq., 2003; Brian M. Perlberg, Esq., 2004; Sallye E. Perrin, 2005; William G. Reed, 2005; one vacancy.

Agency representatives: Frederick H. Hoover, Jr., Maryland Energy Administration; Yale Stenzler, Ph.D., Public School Construction Program; Carl Boville, University System of Maryland.

Ex officio: T. Eloise Foster, Secretary of Budget & Management; Jane T. Nishida, Secretary of the Environment; James C. Hanna, designee of Secretary of Housing & Community Development; Mark M. Bundy, designee of Secretary of Natural Resources; Susan Van Buren, designee of Secretary of Planning; Stuart O. Simms, Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services; John D. Porcari, Secretary of Transportation.

Contact: Anne M. H. Hubbard

c/o Dept. of General Services
301 West Preston St., Baltimore, MD 21201 - 2305
(410) 767-4606; fax: (410) 333-5730

Annual Report to Governor & General Assembly (Executive Order 01.01.2001.02).

Annual Report (with Dept. of the Environment) to Governor on water conservation by State agencies (Executive Order 01.01.2001.06).

The Maryland Green Buildings Council was initiated by the Governor in March 2001 (Executive Order 01.01.2001.02).

A green building uses less energy, protects local ecosystems, and enhances the health of its occupants. During construction, a green building preserves, restores, or does not disturb local ecosystems and biodiversity. After construction, low-water-use landscaping (xeriscaping) is used, pesticides avoided, and rainwater collected and used. Recycled or salvaged building materials are preferred, and materials that generate pollution in their manufacture are shunned.

For green building, various strategies are used to reduce environmental impact, beginning in the land-use planning and construction phases through the whole life of the building. Strategies save energy through efficient design, siting, and choice of materials; preserve more open space by recycling existing buildings through renovation; and reduce automobile dependency by providing more access to public transportation and pedestrian corridors (smaller parking lots). Smaller and simplified building design uses space more efficiently, leaving a smaller building footprint. Green building maximizes the longevity of buildings by designing them for durability and adaptability. Finally, green building provides an environmentally friendly atmosphere for the inhabitants, promoting health through continuous ventilation, reduced mold and mildew, exposure to daylight, windows that open, task lighting, and individual temperature controls.

The Council submitted to the Governor its recommendations of specific criteria, standards, and a numeric rating system for implementing a High-Efficiency Green Buildings Program in Maryland. This Program commits the State to design, construct, operate, maintain, and deconstruct State-owned and leased facilities in an energy efficient and environmentally responsible way.

Annually, the Council was to evaluate the State's Clean Energy Procurement Goal of 6% green energy for use in State facilities. The Council also was to develop a comprehensive Maryland Greenhouse Gas Reduction Action Plan. Any issues or policies that affect the State's ability to conserve natural resources and preserve the environment through use of clean power, green buildings, and energy efficiency were to be considered by the Council.

The Council last met in December 2002.

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