Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


Chair: Karl K. Pence, designee of Governor

Appointed by Governor: Linda B. Barnett; Marcia H. Clark; Jennifer P. Corder, M.D.; Elizabeth A. Crosby; Michael P. Dorio, Jr.; Doris Q. Gale; Gussie M. Goodman; Deborah Jo Heiberger, Ed.D.; Dustin Jeter; Camay C. Murphy; Jeanne Paynter; Cinda R. Raley, Ph.D.; Patricia M. Richardson, Ph.D.; Katherine C. Rigler; Joan B. Roache; Donna M. Szuba; G. William Troxler, Ph.D.; Karen A. Verbeke, Ph.D.

Appointed by Senate President: Michael J. Collins

Appointed by House Speaker: James W. Hubbard

Appointed by Secretary of Higher Education: Mary Ellen Petrisko, Ph.D.

Ex officio: Joan D. Koslovsky, Ph.D., designee of State Superintendent of Schools; Karen R. Johnson, Secretary of Higher Education.

Contact: Carolyn R. Cooper, Ph.D.

c/o Instructional Development, Enrichment, & Advancement Branch
Division of Instruction & Staff Development
State Dept. of Education
200 West Baltimore St., Baltimore, MD 21201 - 2595
(410) 767-0363

In June 2000, the Commission on Funding and Services for Gifted and Talented Student Education in Maryland was created (Chapter 618, Acts of 2000). The Commission reviewed the status of funding and services for gifted and talented students in major academic areas, the arts, and leadership. It made recommendations concerning advanced learning from kindergarten through grade 12; funding for services, teacher preparation, and counseling; and accountability standards. Additionally, the Commission looked for ways to ensure that services reach students with disabilities or limited English proficiency, or who are from minority groups, or living in poverty.

The Commission submitted an interim report to the Governor and General Assembly on December 28, 2000, and its final report on October 31, 2001.

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