Appointed by Maryland Hospital Association:Robert O. Atlas, M.D.; Richard G. Bennett, M.D.; Sara E. Cherico-Hsii; Carmela Coyle; Mona K. Gahunia, D.O.; Catherine E. Gibson; Clark Timothy Johnson, M.D.; Cyrus J. Lawyer III, M.D.; Colenthia Malloy; Cheryl F. Matricciano; Diane N. Pabich; Christopher D. Parker; Judith Rogers, R.N., Ph.D.; Larry L. Smith; Henry J. Sobel, M.D.; Scott A. Spier, M.D.; George S. Tolley III, Esq.; Erin W. Wright, D.N.P.
Staff: Jennifer Witten
c/o Maryland Hospital Association
6820 Deerpath Road, Elkridge, MD 21075
(410) 540-5082
In June 2015, the Maryland Hospital Association was authorized to establish a work group to study access to obstetric services in Maryland (Chapter 329, Acts of 2015).
Formed in consultation with the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene, the health occupations boards, the Governor's Workforce Investment Board and others, the Work Group was charged to develop a comprehensive mechanism to evaluate: the number and geographic locations of obstetrical health care workers in Maryland; practice patterns; provider preferences; and other relevant factors. The Work Group made recommendations for legislation providing incentives to increase the availability of obstetric care services throughout the State.
In December 2015, the Work Group submitted its report to the Governor, the Senate Finance Committee, and the House Health and Government Operations Committee.
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