Rudolph C. Cane, Co-Chair (chosen by Task Force)Roy P. Dyson, Co-Chair (chosen by Task Force)
Appointed by Senate President: Richard F. Colburn; Roy P. Dyson.
Appointed by House Speaker: Rudolph C. Cane; Robert A. McKee.
Appointed by Secretary of Agriculture: William K. Boniface; Kim L. Coble; Earl F. (Buddy) Hance; Michael Hodes; Phyllis E. Kilby; Brian Lutters; Ginger S. Myers; Michael Phipps; David F. Roose; Bruce Yerkes.
Appointed by President, University of Maryland, College Park: Cheng-i Wei, Ph.D.
Staff: Edward M. (Ned) Cheston; Cristen C. Flynn; Scott D. Kennedy.
c/o Department of Legislative Services
Legislative Services Building, 90 State Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401 - 1991
(410) 946-5510, (301) 970-5510
In June 2006, the Incentives for Agriculture Task Force was created (Chapter 289, Acts of 2006). The Task Force reviewed the January 2006 report and recommendations of the Agricultural Stewardship Commission. Thereafter, the Task Force worked to identify any modifications to the State's tax structure that would help farmers to be better stewards of the land while maintaining the economic viability of farming in Maryland. Such modifications might include tax incentives for using best management practices associated with improved water quality.
In October 2007, the Task Force submitted its final report to the Governor, Senate President, House Speaker, Senate Budget and Taxation Committee, Senate Education, Health and Environmental Affairs Committee, House Environmental Matters Committee, and House Ways and Means Committee.
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