Stephen B. Thomas, Ph.D., ChairAppointed by Maryland Center for Health Equity, University of Maryland School of Public Health: Glenda L. Lindsey, Dr.P.H.; one vacancy.
Representing Office of Minority Health & Health Disparities, Maryland Dept. of Health: Noel Brathwaite, Ph.D.
Representing Maryland Higher Education Commission: Jonmikel Enriquez, Ph.D.
Representing Maryland Hospital Association: Jennifer Witten
Ex officio: Cassandra R. (Cassie) Shirk, designee of Secretary of Agriculture; Jennifer L. Eastman, designee of Secretary of Disabilities; Deborah D. Nelson, Ph.D., designee of State Superintendent of Schools; Matthew C. Rowe, designee of Secretary of the Environment; Caroline A. Varney-Alvarado, designee of Secretary of Housing & Community Development; Nicholette K. Smith-Bligen, designee of Secretary of Human Services; Lauren C. Gilwee, designee of Secretary of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation; Jonathan C. Coplin, designee of Secretary of Transportation; Lisa A. Burgess, M.D., Acting Deputy Secretary, Behavioral Health, & Cheryl D. DePinto, M.D., designee of Deputy Secretary, Public Health Services, Maryland Department of Health; O. Wayne Hill, Acting Commissioner of Correction, Department of Public Safety & Correctional Services.
Staff: Stephen B. Thomas, Ph.D.
c/o Maryland Center for Health Equity
School of Public Health, University of Maryland
3302E SPH Building #255, College Park, MD 20742 - 2611
(301) 405-8859
In June 2017, the Work Group on Health in All Policies was established by the General Assembly (Chapters 558 & 559, Acts of 2017).
Convened by the Maryland Center for Health Equity at the University of Maryland School of Public Health, in consultation with the Maryland Department of Health, the Work Group used a "Health in All Policies" framework, which is a public health framework where health considerations that collaboratively improve health outcomes and reduce health inequities drive policy decision-making across the public and private sectors.
The Work Group had several tasks. First, it examined the current health status of Maryland citizens, and how State and local governments might collaborate to improve the health of Marylanders. The effect of the following factors on health were considered: access to safe and affordable housing; economic stability; educational opportunities; employment prospects; environmental factors; public safety issues; social justice; and workplace factors, such as inclusion, diversity, equity, and barriers to promotion and advancement.
Further, the Work Group studied and made recommendations on how health considerations can be incorporated into decisions by government agencies and entities that interact with them. Moreover, it recommended how to foster collaboration between State and local governments in devising and implementing laws and policies that improve health and reduce health inequities.
In January 2018, the Work Group submitted its report to the Senate Education, Health and Environmental Affairs Committee and the House Health and Government Operations Committee.
Authorization for the Work Group ended June 30, 2019.
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