Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


Chair: Frederick H. Hoover, Jr., Director, Maryland Energy Administration

Appointed by Governor: Barry G. Andrews, Sr.; David C. Farmer; Julie E. Gabrielli; Jeffrey C. Genzer, Esq.; Talib A. Horne; Mark A. Mona; Mary P. Morningstar, Esq.; Dan W. Reicher, Esq.

Appointed by Senate President: Brian E. Frosh

Appointed by House Speaker: Dereck E. Davis

Ex officio: Hagner R. Mister, Secretary of Agriculture; David S. Iannucci, Secretary of Business & Economic Development; Jane T. Nishida, Secretary of the Environment; Raymond A. Skinner, Secretary of Housing & Community Development; J. Charles Fox, Secretary of Natural Resources; John D. Porcari, Secretary of Transportation; Catherine I. Riley, Chair, Public Service Commission; Michael J. Travieso, Esq., People's Counsel.

Staff: Paul B. W. Rosencrantz

c/o Maryland Energy Administration
1623 Forest Drive, Suite 300, Annapolis, MD 21403
(410) 260-7183; fax: (410) 974-2250

The Task Force on Energy Conservation and Efficiency was created by the Governor on June 1, 2001 (Executive Order 01.01.2001.07). Past, present and future energy use in Maryland was evaluated by the Task Force and a State goal for energy reduction was set. The Task Force recommended strategies to meet the goal and schedule proposed reductions in energy consumption. To identify opportunities for energy conservation, the Task Force also considered current energy use in housing, commerce, agriculture, industry, and transportation. The Task Force then determined the most effective elements of an energy conservation program, including removing institutional and bureaucratic barriers, providing technical assistance, increasing incentives, and creating public awareness.

On December 15, 2001, the Task Force reported to the Governor.

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