Fred Douglas Mason III, Chair (chosen by Governor)Appointed by Governor: James E. Louviere, Sr.; Jeffrey P. McBride; D. Sean McCone; Christopher Parts; Cathy S. Ritter; Kathleen S. Sherrill.
Appointed by Senate President: one vacancy
Appointed by House Speaker: Erek L. Barron
Appointed by Chancellor, University System of Maryland: Joseph Evans; William E. Olen.
Ex officio: Matthew D. Minson, designee of Comptroller of Maryland; Jack Howard, designee of Secretary of General Services; David N. Bezanson, designee of Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services; Michael F. Haifley, designee of Secretary of Transportation; M. Kathleen Broadwater, designee of Executive Director, Maryland Port Administration; Gary A. McGuigan, designee of Executive Director of the Maryland Stadium Authority; Chantal Kai-Lewis, designee of Special Secretary of Minority Affairs.
Staff: Jane Bailey
c/o Procurement & Logistics, Department of General Services
301 West Preston St., Baltimore, MD 21201 - 2305
(410) 767-4307
e-mail: jane.bailey@maryland.gov
In June 2015, the Task Force to Study Small and Minority Design Firm Participation in State Procurement was authorized (Chapter 12, Acts of 2015).
The Task Force considered whether regulations requiring all State contracts containing Minority Business Enterprise participation goals to include a liquidated damages provision make it more difficult for small architectural and engineering firms to bid on open-ended design contracts. Specific measures to ensure equitable participation in State-funded projects by small and minority design businesses were recommended by the Task Force.
Authorization for the Task Force ended May 31, 2016.
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