Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


S. A. (Skip) Brown III, Chair (chosen by Governor)

Appointed by Governor: M. Jay Brodie; Maurice C. Byan; James J. Cannelli; Gary L. Dadisman; Frances H. Flanigan, Charles C. Graves III; Robert L. Hannon; Donald P. Hutchinson; Robert J. Kimmons; David L. Lancaster; Roger C. Lipitz; James J. Pomfret; Edward Snowden; Jack E. Steil; John Sundergill; Calvin V. Thomas; Bruce B. Wilson; Patricia A. Winter.

Ex officio (non-voting): David L. Winstead, Secretary of Transportation; Ronald M. Kreitner, Director of Planning; Tay Yoshitani, Executive Director, Maryland Port Administration; James D. Fielder, Jr., Ph.D., designee of Secretary of Business & Economic Development; M. Kathleen Broadwater, Director, Planning & Business Development, Maryland Port Administration; David S. Iannucci, Esq., Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of the Governor.

Staff: Richard F. Pecora, Esq.

c/o Maryland Port Administration
Dept. of Transportation
World Trade Center Baltimore, 401 East Pratt St., Baltimore, MD 21202
(410) 865-1095

The Governor's Port Land-Use Task Force was fashioned by the Governor by letter in June 1996. The Task Force inventoried available and underused land surrounding the Port of Baltimore. It evaluated problems impeding the development of this land, such as inconsistent zoning; variations in land-use planning between jurisdictions; regulatory impediments to land reuse; capital availability; and economic development initiatives. The Task Force was to recommend ways to better use the physical assets around the Port to benefit the economy of the State and region.

The Task Force submitted its report to the Governor in December 1996.

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