Chair: Neil J. Pedersen, designee of Secretary of TransportationAppointed by Governor: Michele Bettis; Ronald E. Engle; Clyde V. Kelly; Darrel L. Longest, Esq.; Lawrence A. Richardson, Jr., Esq.; Joseph K. Sikes.
Appointed by Senate President: Jennie M. Forehand
Appointed by House Speaker: Kathleen M. Dumais
Appointed by Chief Judge, Court of Appeals: Barry A. Hamilton
Representing National Transportation Safety Board: Kevin Quinlan
Ex officio: Lt. Col. G. Robert Turano, designee of Secretary of State Police; Patrick G. McGee, Interim Director, Division of Parole & Probation; Thomas E. Dewberry, Chief Administrative Law Judge, Office of Administrative Hearings; Robert R. Bass, Executive Director, Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems; Patricia L. Chappell, Esq., designee of Public Defender; Stephen E. Walker, designee of President, Maryland Chiefs of Police Association; Dallas G. Pope, President, Maryland Sheriffs' Association; John McDonald, Esq., designee of President, Maryland State's Attorney's Association; Lawrence S. Greenberg, designee of President, Maryland Trial Lawyers Association; Christopher Flohr, President, Maryland Criminal Defense Attorneys' Association.
Staff: Liza Aguila-Lemaster
c/o Highway Safety Office, State Highway Administration, Dept. of Transportation
7491 Connelley Drive, Hanover, MD 21076
(410) 787-4076
e-mail: laguilalemaster@sha.state.md.us
fax: (410) 787-4020
In July 2007, the Task Force to Combat Driving under the Influence of Drugs and Alcohol was formed (Chapters 533 & 534, Acts of 2007). The Task Force reviewed what progress had been made in the last twenty years to stop persons from driving while under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Next, it considered what Maryland was doing to address such driving, and compared that with nationally recognized best practices. Finally, the Task Force made recommendations on new initiatives aimed at all impaired drivers, including those responsible for the most fatalities, such as repeat offenders, underage drinkers, and drivers with blood alcohol levels of .15% or higher. The Task Force also considered how to implement national best practices in Maryland; ways to keep the public focused on the dangers of drunk and drugged driving; and strategies to better coordinate State and local management, funding, and resources.
The Task Force submitted its interim report in December 2007, and its final report in October 2008. Authorization for the Task Force extended through December 31, 2008.
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