Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


Phyllis Burlage Peterson, Chair (chosen by Governor)

Appointed by Governor: L. Tracy Brown, Esq.; Corp. Ismael V. Canales; George C. Georgiou, Ph.D.; Glendora C. Hughes, Esq.; George R. LaNoue, Ph.D.; Ellen H. Levi; Evelyn R. McCarter; Eugenia L. Proulx, Ph.D.

Contact: Ileana C. O'Brien

c/o Dept. of Labor, Licensing, & Regulation
500 North Calvert St., Baltimore, MD 21202 - 3651
(410) 230-6011; fax: (410) 333-0853

Authorized in 2004, the Equal Pay Commission was organized in November 2005 (Chapter 3, Acts of Special Session of 2004). The Commission studied the extent of wage disparities between men and women, and minorities and nonminorities, in both the public and private sectors. It also considered what factors are responsible for wage disparities, how such disparities affect families and the economy, and what actions might eliminate and prevent wage disparities.

The Commission submitted its final report to the Governor, Senate President, and House Speaker on September 30, 2006. Authorization for the Commission ended September 30, 2006.

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