Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


Devin L. Battley, Chair (chosen by Task Force)

Appointed by Governor: Chuck Barrick; Rick Bolton; Gregory A. Boutwell; Randall S. Burd, M.D., Ph.D.; William F. Casey; Shannon Frattaroli, Ph.D.; Patricia S. Gainer, J.D.; Richard Lichenstein, M.D.; Michael Silverman, M.D.; Cathlene A. Tharp; Kathy Van Kleeck; Mary A. Vanhoy; Gamunu Wijetunge; Susan Ziegfeld.

Appointed by Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene: Joyce A. Dantzler

Appointed by Board of Directors, Maryland Legislative Sportsmen's Foundation: Steve Huettner

Ex officio: Paul A. Peditto, designee of Secretary of Natural Resources; John T. Kuo, designee of Secretary of Transportation; John Riggio, Executive Director, ABATE of Maryland, Inc.

Staff: Carlita B. Lindsey

Programs & Government Affairs
Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems
John M. Murphy Building., 653 West Pratt St., Baltimore, MD 21201 - 1536
(410) 706-3993

In June 2008, the All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Safety Task Force was created (Chapters 14 & 487, Acts of 2008). The Task Force studied major issues surrounding all-terrain vehicle safety, including: accurate ownership tracking of ATVs in Maryland; appropriate safety equipment; how to educate consumers about ATVs; where to safely use ATVs; training ATV owners; raising public awareness about ATV safety; and any other safety issue concerning ATVs.

The Task Force submitted a combined interim and final report to the Governor and General Assembly in December 2008. Authorization for the Task Force extended through May 31, 2009.

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