Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


Co-Chair: Michael S. Steele, Lt. Governor
Co-Chair: J. Joseph Curran, Jr., Attorney General

Appointed by Attorney General & Lt. Governor: Carole J. Alexander; Michaele Cohen; Carolyn Grahame; Sharon M. Grosfeld; Barry A. Hamilton; Jennifer Pollitt Hill; Patricia C. Jessamy, Esq.; George F. Johnson IV; Delores G. Kelley; Rose Matricciani; Joseph P. McCurdy, Jr.; Jane C. Murphy, Esq.; Sandra Ann O'Connor, Esq.; Col. Margaret W. Patten; Irma S. Raker; Martha F. Rasin; Judith S. Sachwald; Adrienne E. Siegel; Dennis M. Sweeney; David W. Weissert.

Twilah Shipley, Esq., Director

Carol Doctrow, Research Associate for Abuser Intervention Programs

c/o Office of Attorney General
200 St. Paul Place, 19th floor, Baltimore, MD 21202 - 2021
(410) 576-7084; fax: (410) 576-6393

The Family Violence Council was organized by the Lt. Governor and the Attorney General in 1995. The Council worked to reduce and prevent family violence. The Council and its action teams represented all areas of the criminal justice system, as well as elected officials, advocates, scholars, and citizens. Action teams focused on: Children's and Domestic Violence Abuser Intervention; Courts; Criminal Justice; Legislative; Local Family Violence Coordinating Councils; Sexual Offender Treatment; and Victim Service Resources.

The first task of the Council was to understand the major problems facing the State's response to family violence. Criminal and civil laws concerned with family violence were evaluated by the Council. Using the model code developed by the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges as a guide, the Council recommended reforms to strengthen these laws, their enforcement, and programs that support families and protect victims.

In November 1996, the Family Violence Council reported its findings and recommendations to the Governor and General Assembly. Its report was titled, Stop the Violence: A Call to Action. Thereafter, the Council reorganized into "action teams" to implement those recommendations. In November 2002, the Council issued its second report, Stopping Family Violence: The Community Responds, an in-depth view of domestic violence in Maryland from 1996 to 2002. The Council published the Sex Offender Treatment Provider Directory for Maryland in 2003.

A list of Maryland's self-certified abuser intervention programs was submitted annually by the Council's Domestic Violence Abuser Intervention Action Team to the Administrative Office of the Courts.

In December 2004, the Family Violence Council moved to the Governor's Office for Children, Youth, and Families. When that Office was restructured in July 2005, the Council ceased to function. It reformed in January 2006 as the Governor's Council on Family Violence Prevention within the Governor's Office of Crime Control and Prevention, and was renamed there as the Governor's Family Violence Council in October 2008.

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