Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


Chair: vacancy, designee of Governor

Appointed by Governor: Judith L. Boyer-Patrick, M.D.; Maria M. (Doe) Ladd; Betty M. Malkus, Ph.D.; Kathleen O. O'Brien, Ph.D.; Joan B. Roache; Frank Satterfield; Robert P. Schwartz, M.D.; Sheila R. Tillerson-Adams; Christina M. Trenton; one vacancy.

Appointed by Senate President: Ralph M. Hughes; Sandra B. Schrader.

Appointed by House Speaker: two vacancies

Ex officio: Nelson J. Sabatini, Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene; Christopher J. McCabe, Secretary of Human Resources; Kenneth C. Montague, Jr., Secretary of Juvenile Services; Mary Ann Saar, Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services; Peter F. Luongo, Ph.D., Director, Alcohol & Drug Abuse Administration; Judith S. Sachwald, Director, Division of Parole & Probation; Alan C. Woods III, Executive Director, Governor's Office of Crime Control & Prevention.

Vacancy, Director

Contact: Alan R. Friedman

c/o Governor's Office of Crime Control & Prevention
Hampton Plaza, 300 East Joppa Road, Suite 1105, Baltimore, MD 21286 - 3016
(410) 321-3521; 1-877-687-9004 (toll free)
fax: (410) 321-3116

Annual Report to Governor & General Assembly due Jan. 30 (Executive Order 01.01.2001.23).

In December 2001, the Governor formed the Drug and Alcohol Council (Executive Order 01.01.2001.23). The Council worked to expand and improve drug and alcohol abuse treatment programs in the State. To coordinate funding and services among State and local agencies that provide treatment, the Council reviewed programs, policies, and funding, and set priorities. The Council also developed and implemented statewide initiatives for drug and alcohol abuse treatment.

Effective July 20, 2004, authorization for the Drug and Alcohol Council was terminated, and a new Maryland State Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council created (Executive Order 01.01.2004.42).

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