Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



[photo, Robert R. Neall, Maryland Secretary of Health] ROBERT R. NEALL, Secretary of Health

Secretary of Health since February 2, 2018. Acting Secretary, January 9 to February 2, 2018.

Member, Governor's Executive Council, 2018-; Children's Cabinet, 2018-; School Safety Subcabinet, 2018-; Smart Growth Subcabinet, 2018-. Chair, Governor's Inter-Agency Heroin and Opioid Coordinating Council, 2018-; Board of Trustees, Maryland Health Benefit Exchange, 2018-; State Community Health Worker Advisory Committee, 2018-. Member, Two-Generation Family Economic Security Commission, 2018; Interagency Committee on Aging Services, 2018-; Governor's Intergovernmental Commission for Agriculture, 2018-; Maryland Agricultural Education and Rural Development Assistance Board, 2018-; Task Force to Study State Alcohol Regulation, Enforcement, Safety, and Public Health, 2018-19; Advisory Council for Alternative Response, 2018-; Asbestos Oversight Committee, 2018-; Behavioral Health Advisory Council, 2018-; State Child Fatality Review Team, 2018-. Chair, State Children's Environmental Health and Protection Advisory Council, 2018-. Member, Interagency Disabilities Board, 2018-; State Early Childhood Advisory Council, 2018-; State Emergency Medical Services Board, 2018-; Commission on Environmental Justice and Sustainable Communities, 2018-; Governor's Family Violence Council, 2018-; Interagency Food Desert Advisory Committee, 2018-; Maryland Green Purchasing Committee, 2018-; Health and Human Services Referral Board, 2018-; State Advisory Council on Health and Wellness, 2018-; Maryland Health Insurance Coverage Protection Commission, 2018-. Member, Governor's Commission on Hispanic Affairs, 2018-; Interagency Council on Homelessness, 2018-; State Coordinating Committee for Human Services Transportation, 2018-; Justice Reinvestment Oversight Board, 2018-; Task Force on Long-Term Care Education and Planning, 2018; Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Cannabis Commission, 2018-; Oversight Committee on Quality of Care in Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities, 2018-; Council on Open Data, 2018-; Pesticide Advisory Committee, 2018-; State Postmortem Examiners Commission, 2018-; Advisory Board on Prescription-Drug Monitoring, 2018-; Council for the Procurement of Health, Educational and Social Services, 2018-; Rural Maryland Council, 2018-; Maryland Sexual Assault Evidence Kit Policy and Funding Committee, 2018-; Interdepartmental Advisory Committee on Small, Minority, and Women Business Affairs, 2018-; Interagency Committee on Specialized Transportation, 2018-; Work Group to Study Safe Harbor Policy for Youth Victims of Human Trafficking, 2018-19; Maryland Council on Advancement of School-Based Health Centers, 2018-; Sexual Offender Advisory Board, 2018-; Maryland Commission on Suicide Prevention, 2018-; Maryland Veterans Trust, 2018-; Governor’s Warrior to Worker Council, 2018-; Virginia I. Jones Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Council, 2019- (co-chair, 2018-19); Maryland Cybersecurity Coordinating Council, 2019-; Juvenile Justice Reform Council, 2019-; Governor's Commission to Study Mental and Behavioral Health in Maryland, 2019-; Work Group to Study Shelter and Supportive Services for Unaccompanied Homeless Minors, 2019-; Task Force to Study Transportation Access, 2019-; Coronavirus Response Team, 2020-.

Member of Senate (Democrat),* representing District 33, Anne Arundel County, December 1996 to January 8, 2003. Member, Budget and Taxation Committee, 1996-2003 (capital budget subcommittee, 1997-2003; chair, education, business & administration subcommittee, 2000-03). Member, Task Force to Study County Property-Tax Setoffs and Related Fiscal Issues, 1997; Special Joint Committee on Pensions, 1997-99; Special Committee on Gaming, 2001-02; Spending Affordability Committee, 2001-03; Joint Committee on the Selection of the State Treasurer, 2002; Legislative Policy Committee, 2002-03; Task Force to Study the State's Retiree Health Insurance Liabilities, 2002-03.

Member, Task Force to Study Retail Electric Competition and the Restructuring of the Electric Utility Industry, 1997-98; Task Force to Study the Governance, Coordination, and Funding of the University System of Maryland, 1998-99; Task Force to Study Increasing the Availability of Substance Abuse Programs, 1998-2001 (availability committee); Commission on Transportation Investment, 1999; Strategic Committee on the State Plan for Higher Education, 1999-2001; Task Force on Regulatory Reform, 1999-2001; Transit Policy Panel, 2000; Judith P. Hoyer Blue Ribbon Commission on the Financing of Early Child Care and Education, 2000-01; Commission on Education Finance, Equity, and Excellence, 2000-02; Commission on Maryland's Fiscal Structure, 2002-03.

Member, House of Delegates, 1975-87, representing District 33 (Anne Arundel County). Minority Leader, 1983-87. Member, Appropriations Committee, 1975-87. Minority Whip, 1978-83. Member, Legislative Policy Committee, 1979-87; Joint Budget and Audit Committee, 1979-87; Savings and Loan Oversight Committee, 1986.

Legislative assistant to Senate Minority Leader, 1972-74. Member, Maryland Transportation Authority, 1987-90. Chair, Governor's Commission on Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 1989-90.

County Executive, Anne Arundel County, 1990-94. Board of Trustees, Chesapeake Bay Trust, 1991-93. Chair, Baltimore Metropolitan Council, 1992-93.

Chair, State Higher Education Labor Relations Board, 2005-12. Member, Spending Affordability Committee, 2006-15; Video Lottery Facility Location Commission, 2008-10. Chair, Task Force to Study Implementing a Civil Right to Counsel in Maryland, 2013-14. Chair, Governor's Salary Commission, 2014-16 (member, 2005-16). Member, Governor-elect's Transition Team, 2014-15. Board of Regents, University System of Maryland, 2015-.

Director and Senior Advisor, Office of Transformation and Renewal, Office of Governor, 2016-18. Board of Trustees, Maryland Historical Trust, 2016-.

Born in Baltimore, Maryland, June 26, 1948. Attended Anne Arundel County public schools; U.S. Naval Academy Preparatory School, 1967. Served in U.S. Navy, 1967-68. U.S. Military Academy, 1968-69; Anne Arundel Community College, A.A., 1971; University of Maryland, B.A., 1972; University of Baltimore School of Law, 1973-74. General manager, Davidsonville Supply Company, 1969-82. Commercial Loan Officer, Annapolis Banking and Trust Company, 1982-86. Vice-President for External Affairs, The Johns Hopkins Health System, 1987-90. Owner, Robert R. Neall and Associates, management consulting firm, 1994-98. Director of Finance, The Johns Hopkins Hospital and Health System, 1997-2004. Chief Executive Officer, Priority Partners, 2004-16. Delegate, Republican Party National Convention, 1984, 1992. Board of Trustees, Maryland Historical Society, 1991-93. Board of Directors, Maryland Association of Counties, 1990-94. Christian Citizen of the Year Award, United Christian Citizens, 1975. Charles Carroll Award, Maryland Republican Party, 1984. Maryland's Best State Legislator Award, Baltimore Magazine, 1986. Distinguished Alumni Award, University of Maryland, 1987. Governor's Service to Youth Award, 1991. Aris T. Allen Lifetime Achievement Award, Anne Arundel County Republican Party, 1994. Legislative Achievement Award, Maryland Association of Retarded Citizens, 1998. Appreciation Award, Maryland Municipal League, 1998. Legislator Recognition Award, Maryland Association of Counties, 2000. First Citizen Award, Maryland Senate, 2001. Married; four children; ten grandchildren.

*(changed party affiliation from Republican to Democrat, Nov. 12, 1999, & from Democrat to Republican, June 2006).

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