Chair: Zenita Wickham Hurley, designee of Attorney General
![[photo, St. Paul Plaza, 200 St. Paul Place, Baltimore, Maryland.]](/msa/mdmanual/08conoff/attorney/images/1198-1-2309.jpg)
Appointed by Attorney General to 4-year terms: Pamela Holtzinger; Claire M. Kelleher-Smith, Esq.; Teresa M. Long; Tianna J. Mays, Esq.; Steven A. O'Dell; Scott D. Shellenberger.
Appointed by Senate President: Adelaide C. Eckhardt; Shelly L. Hettleman.
Appointed by House Speaker: Susan K. McComas; one vacancy.
Ex officio: Joyce A. Dantzler, designee of Secretary of Health; vacancy, designee of Secretary of Human Services; Daniel E. Katz, designee of Secretary of State Police; Karin V. Green, Executive Director, Criminal Injuries Compensation Board.
St. Paul Plaza, 200 St. Paul Place, Baltimore, Maryland, July 2007. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
c/o Criminal Division, Office of Attorney General
St. Paul Plaza, 200 St. Paul Place, Baltimore, MD 21202
(410) 576-7939
Annual Report to Governor & General Assembly due Jan. 1, beginning 2019 (Chapter 659, Acts of 2017).
In June 2017, the Maryland Sexual Assault Evidence Kit Policy and Funding Committee was formed by the General Assembly (Chapter 659, Acts of 2017).
The Committee develops and disseminates best practices information and recommendations on the testing and retention of sexual assualt evidence collection kits; the payment for those kits; and increasing the availability of sexual assault evidence collection exams for alleged victims of sexual assault. Moreover, the Committee develops and disseminates such information and recommendations to reduce the shortage of forensic nurse examiners; increase the availability of information to sexual assault victims; and promote coordination among State agencies, victim services providers, local law enforcement, and local sexual assault response teams. In addition, the Committee evaluates State and local funding needs to determine if funds are sufficient and appropriate to implement best practices.
Further, the Committee creates and operates a statewide tracking system for sexual assault evidence collection kits that is accessible not only to law enforcement personnel, but also to victims of sexual assaut. By January 1, 2019, the Committee was to submit a grant application to fund its proposed statewide tracking system (Chapter 429, Acts of 2018).
During the 2019 General Assembly session, legislation, based on Committee recommendations, was enacted to establish uniform testing criteria for sexual assault evidence kits (Chapter 34, Acts of 2019); and establish a rape kit testing grant fund (Chapter 508, Acts of 2019).
Seventeen members constitute the Committee. Six are appointed by the Attorney General, two by the Governor, two by the Senate President, and two by the House Speaker. Four serve ex officio. The Attorney General chairs the Committee (Code Criminal Procedure Article, sec. 11-927).
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