Chair: George W. Owings III, Secretary of Veterans AffairsVice-Chair: David R. Brinkley, Secretary of Budget & Management
![[photo, Jeffrey Building (now Wineland Building), State House in background, Annapolis, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/25ind/images/i006182b.jpg)
Jeffrey Building (now Wineland Building), State House in background, Annapolis, Maryland, September 2001. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
Vacancy, Executive Director
c/o Office of Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs
Fred L. Wineland Building, 4th floor
16 Francis St., Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 260-3841
Annual Report to Governor.
Veterans Recruitment for State Employment Strategic Plan to Governor due 90 days after first meeting of Council (submitted May 24, 2011).
Veterans Skills & Education Strategic Plan to Governor due 90 days after first meeting of Council (submitted May 24, 2011).
In October 2010, the Governor established the Governor's Warrior to Worker Council (Executive Order 01.01.2010.21). A subcabinet of the Governor, the Council promotes specific opportunities to employ, educate, and train veterans in Maryland. To establish a coordinated effort that expands employment for veterans, the Council advises the Governor and the Secretary of Budget and Management. Further, the Council oversees implementation of the Warrior to Worker Initiative; the Veterans Recruitment for State Employment Strategic Plan; and the Veterans Skills and Education Strategic Plan.
The Warrior to Worker Initiative involves all State agencies in enhancing employment opportunities for veterans within State government. Each State agency develops its own plan and designates a staff person to implement the Initiative within that agency. In developing its own operational plan, each agency uses the Veterans Recruitment for State Employment Strategic Plan and the Veterans Skills and Education Strategic Plan.
The Veterans Recruitment for State Employment Strategic Plan focuses on employing veterans in State government. It identifies what State agencies can do to employ more veterans; market State government employment to armed services personnel and veterans; and educate State agencies on the talent, experience, and dedication of veterans as potential employees. Updated every three years, the Plan promotes the recruitment and employment of veterans in State government; identifies key occupations that match the skills and training of veterans; and compiles statistics on the hiring of veterans throughout State government.
The Veterans Skills and Education Strategic Plan notes how to develop and provide counseling, training, and outreach for veterans to more easily transition from military service into Maryland's skilled workforce. Updated every three years, the Plan details how to promote apprenticeships, scholarships, and higher education for Maryland's veterans.
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