Chair (chosen by Governor, 2-year term): Carol A. Beatty, Secretary of Disabilities, 2021Appointed by the Governor: Kevin Lindamood; Sandra L. (Sandy) Monck; Courtney A. Thomas. Terms expire 2016.
Vidia Dhanraj; one vacancy. Terms expire 2018.
Rachel E. Wolpert Bitter, Esq.; Sue Ann DeSantis; Christina E. Drushel; Kathryn S. Farinholt; Amanda J. Harris; Christine C. Kay; Renee E. Pope; Shannon Snow; Brian S. Wainwright. Terms expire 2020.
Ex officio: Meg O. Barrett, designee of Secretary of Aging; Jennifer Spangler, designee of Secretary of Budget & Management; Carol A. Beatty, Secretary of Disabilities; Sylvia A. Lawson, Ph.D., designee of State Superintendent of Schools; Mark A. Martin, Ph.D., designee of Secretary of Health; Kenneth C. Holt, Secretary of Housing & Community Development; Bonnie S. Ariano, designee of Secretary of Human Services; Bernice A. Walker, designee of Secretary of Juvenile Services; Erin J. Roth, designee of Secretary of Labor; Marsha A. Briley, designee of Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services; Leslie A. Dews, designee of Secretary of Transportation; Dana S. Burl, designee of Secretary of Veterans Affairs.
Staff: Heather Sheridan
c/o Bureau of Homeless Services, Division of Neighborhood Revitalization
Department of Housing & Community Development
7800 Harkins Road, Lanham, MD 20706
(410) 767-6829
Annual Report, 2019
Annual Report, 2018
Annual Report, 2017
- Annual Report, 2016
- Annual Report, 2015
- Maryland's Ten-Year Plan to End Homelessness (December 2005)
Annual Report to Governor & General Assembly (Chapter 341, Acts of 2014).
Annual Report to Joint Committee on Homelessness due Oct. 1 (Chapter 427, Acts of 2014).
In June 2002, the Governor's Interagency Council on Homelessness was created by the Governor (Executive Order 01.01.2002.14). This council coordinated State policy regarding the homeless, and devised strategies by which State agencies could collaborate to help those without shelter and prevent homelessness in Maryland. In statute, the General Assembly replaced it with the Advisory Board on Homelessness in 2007 (Chapter 3, Acts of 2007). In July 2014, the Board was superceded by the Interagency Council on Homelessness (Chapter 341, Acts of 2014).
The Interagency Council on Homelessness coordinates State policy and working relationships among State, local and nonprofit agencies that work to remedy and prevent homelessness. For local continuums of care, which are those local or regional bodies that coordinate the funding of housing and services for homeless individuals and families, the Council coordinates both data sharing and outreach to develop joint plans to secure State and federal homelessness prevention and remediation funding. The need for affordable and accessible housing and its availability for homeless individuals is analyzed by the Council.
To prevent and alleviate homelessness, the Council devises strategies that address the needs of different geographical areas in the State. Moreover, the needs of special groups, such as veterans, youth, families, and those with behavioral health issues are identified by the Council, as are support services available to them. In addition, the Council educates the public about the prevalence, roots, and responses to homelessness; and seeks comment on policy and program development from the advocacy community, business groups, religious groups, and consumers.
By legislation enacted in 2015, the Council determines models and best practices for providing emergency shelter and shelter diversion. These best practices and models must ensure the health, safety, and security of shelter residents; provide client-centered and trauma-informed support services; and follow all federal, State and local civil rights laws regarding equal access by protected classes (Chapter 460, Acts of 2015).
Twenty-six members constitute the Council. Fourteen are appointed by the Governor, and twelve serve ex officio (Chapter 332, Acts of 2016; Chapter 105, Acts of 2017; Code Housing & Community Development Article, secs. 4-2101 through 4-2108).
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