Chair: Boyd K. Rutherford, Lt. Governor
![[photo, State House, Annapolis, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/25ind/images/statehouse/1198-1-1076.jpg)
Appointed by Senate President: Adelaide C. Eckardt; Katie Fry Hester.
Appointed by House Speaker: Robbyn T. Lewis; one vacancy.
Appointed by Chief Judge, Court of Appeals: Richard P. Abbott, Esq.
Ex officio: Christian J. Miele, Esq., designee of Secretary of Disabilities; Dennis R. Schrader, designee of Secretary of Health; Aliya C. Jones, M.D., Deputy Secretary of Behavioral Health; Lourdes R. Padilla, Secretary of Human Services; Lynda M. Bonieskie, Ph.D., designee of Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services; Roland L. Butler, Jr., designee of Secretary of State Police; Deborah D. Nelson, Ph.D., designee of State Superintendent of Schools; Kathleen A. Birrane, Maryland Insurance Commissioner; Steven R. Schuh, Executive Director, Opioid Operational Command Center.
State House, Annapolis, Maryland, April 2005. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
Staff: Courtney A. Highsmith, Esq.; Heather N. Poston
c/o Office of Lt. Governor
State House, 100 State Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401 - 1925
(410) 974-3901; 1-800-811-8336 (toll free)
Staff: Pilar B. Helm; Webster Ye
c/o Maryland Department of Health
Herbert R. O'Conor State Office Buidling, 201 West Preston St., Baltimore, MD 21201 - 2399
(410) 767-6481
Interim Report to Governor due Aug. 10, 2019 (Executive Order 01.01.2019.02).
Annual Report to Governor due Dec. 31 (Executive Order 01.01.2019.02; Executive Order 01.01.2019.06).
In January 2019, the Governor's Commission to Study Mental and Behavioral Health in Maryland was created by the Governor (Executive Order 01.01.2019.02).
The Commission is to review the Strategic Plan: 24/7 Crisis Walk-in and Mobile Crisis Team Services produced by the Behavioral Health Advisory Council in 2017. To identify local differences in the impact of mental illness, regional summits will be conducted across the State. Further, the Commission is to advise and assist the Governor in improving access to mental health services statewide.
In May 2019, four members were added to the Commission, and also a requirement for an annual report (Executive Order 01.01.2019.06).
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