![[photo, Woodrow W. Jones III, Maryland Acting Secretary of State Police]](/msa/mdmanual/23dsp/images/1198-1-10303b.jpg)
- Office of Secretary
Department of State Police
1201 Reisterstown Road, Pikesville, MD 21208 - 3899
(410) 653-4219; fax: (410) 653-9651
Secretary of State Police since March 13, 2020. Acting Secretary of State Police, February 22 to March 13, 2020. Chief of Police, Maryland Transportation Authority Police, 2015-20.
Member, Governor's Executive Council, 2020-; School Safety Subcabinet, 2020-. Chair, Cease Fire Council, 2020-; Handgun Roster Board, 2020-; Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee, 2020-; State Law Enforcement Coordinating Council, 2020- (chair, executive committee, 2020-); [Secretary of State Police] Superintendent's Council of Advisors on Diversity and Inclusion, 2020-; Vehicle Theft Prevention Council, 2020-. Member, State Child Fatality Review Team, 2020-; Maryland Cybersecurity Coordinating Council, 2020-; Maryland Cybersecurity Council, 2020-; Governor's Family Violence Council, 2020-; Task Force to Study Maryland's Criminal Gang Statutes, 2020; Governor's Council on Gangs and Violent Criminal Networks, 2020-; Statewide Interoperability Radio Control Board, 2020-; Justice Reinvestment Oversight Board, 2020-; Governor's Commission to Study Mental and Behavioral Health in Maryland, 2020-; Council on Open Data, 2020-; Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission, 2020-; State Postmortem Examiners Commission, 2020-; Advisory Board on Prescription-Drug Monitoring, 2020-; Steering Committee for the Ethan Saylor Alliance for Self-Advocates as Educators, 2020-; Maryland Sexual Assault Evidence Kit Policy and Funding Committee, 2020-; Sexual Offender Advisory Board, 2020-; Interdepartmental Advisory Committee on Small, Minority, and Women Business Affairs, 2020-. Board of Visitors, R. Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, University of Maryland Medical System, 2020-.
The Johns Hopkins University, B.A. (management); M.A. (management). Graduate, Police Executive Leadership Program, The Johns Hopkins University. Chair, Traffic Safety Committee, Maryland Chiefs of Police Association. Member, Executive Committee for Maryland's Strategic Highway Safety.
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