Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



NOVEMBER 6, 2018


Question 1:
Chapter 357, Acts of 2018)

(Amends Article XIX, secs. 1(c)(1) and (g), and adds sec. 1(f)

The amendment requires the Governor to include in the annual State Budget, as supplemental funding for prekindergarten through grade 12 in public schools, the revenues from video lottery operation licenses and any other commercial gaming dedicated to public education in an amount above the level of State funding for education in public schools provided by the Bridge to Excellence in Public Schools Act of 2002 (otherwise known as the Thornton legislation) in not less than the following amounts: $125 million in fiscal year 2020; $250 million in fiscal year 2021; $375 million in fiscal year 2022; and 100% of commercial gaming revenues dedicated to public education in fiscal year 2023 and each fiscal year thereafter. The amendment also requires the Governor to show in the annual budget how the revenues from video lottery operation licenses and other commercial gaming are being used in a manner that is in addition to the level of State funding for public education provided by the funding formulas established by the Bridge to Excellence in Public Schools Act. The State Constitution currently authorizes video lottery operation licenses for the primary purpose of raising money for public education.

For* Against
Allegany Co. 18,018 2,334
Anne Arundel Co. 186,251 21,330
Baltimore City 155,992 13,438
Baltimore Co. 257,453 36,287
Calvert Co. 32,268 3,776
Caroline Co. 8,223 1,378
Carroll Co. 60,468 9,580
Cecil Co. 26,363 4,318
Charles Co. 55,888 5,871
Dorchester Co. 9,108 1,299
Frederick Co. 87,442 12,629
Garrett Co. 8,371 1,403
Harford Co. 89,609 13,638
Howard Co. 116,802 15,258
Kent Co. 6,857 964
Montgomery Co. 321,105 42,922
Prince George's Co. 281,909 19,661
Queen Anne's Co. 18,229 2,911
St. Mary's Co. 32,328 4,832
Somerset Co. 5,027 970
Talbot Co. 13,771 2,224
Washington Co. 38,166 6,198
Wicomico Co. 26,058 3,950
Worcester Co. 17,529 2,856
TOTAL 1,873,235 230,027
% of Total 89.1% 10.9%

Question 2:
(Chapter 855, Acts of 2018)

(Amends Article I, secs. 1 and 2, and adds sec. 2A)

Authorizes the General Assembly to enact legislation to allow a qualified individual to register and vote at a precinct polling place on Election Day. The current law requires voter registration to close before Election Day.

For* Against
Allegany Co. 11,360 9,183
Anne Arundel Co. 133,948 87,963
Baltimore City 144,462 25,931
Baltimore Co. 193,221 108,309
Calvert Co. 19,445 16,924
Caroline Co. 4,881 4,913
Carroll Co. 33,109 37,836
Cecil Co. 16,536 14,677
Charles Co. 42,721 19,368
Dorchester Co. 5,848 4,856
Frederick Co. 59,620 41,913
Garrett Co. 4,822 5,143
Harford Co. 53,911 50,574
Howard Co. 95,332 44,035
Kent Co. 4,590 3,345
Montgomery Co. 281,102 87,333
Prince George's Co. 256,268 45,851
Queen Anne's Co. 10,621 10,799
St. Mary's Co. 19,746 17,955
Somerset Co. 3,221 2,893
Talbot Co. 8,756 7,382
Washington Co. 23,751 21,495
Wicomico Co. 18,324 13,889
Worcester Co. 10,573 10,036
TOTAL 1,456,168 692,603
% of Total 67.8% 32.2%

Source: State Board of Elections

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