Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



NOVEMBER 8, 2016


Question 1:
Chapter 511, Acts of 2016)

Changes the way the Governor fills a vacancy of the Attorney General or the Comptroller and requires a special election for vacancies that occur on or before a certain date. Under current law, the Governor fills a vacancy by appointing an individual to serve for the remainder of the term. Under the amended law, if the vacating Attorney General or Comptroller was a member of a political party, the Governor must fill the vacancy from a list of three names provided by the political party of the vacating official, and if no names are provided by the political party within a set time period, then the Governor must select a successor from the political party of the vacating official. If the vacating Attorney General or Comptroller was not a member of a political party, then the amended law requires the Governor to appoint any qualified individual. The Governor must make the appointment within a set time period following the vacancy. The amended law requires a special election to replace the successor if the vacancy occurs early enough in the term to allow for candidates to participate in the regular elections held in the second year of the vacating official's term (amending Article V, Section 5 & Article VI, Section 1, Maryland Constitution).

For* Against
Allegany Co. 18,277 7,010
Anne Arundel Co. 155,657 77,165
Baltimore City 164,425 42,994
Baltimore Co. 246,160 101,663
Calvert Co. 28,433 12,774
Caroline Co. 9,063 3,787
Carroll Co. 55,179 27,486
Cecil Co. 27,468 10,815
Charles Co. 51,948 18,728
Dorchester Co. 9,554 3,552
Frederick Co. 79,025 30,762
Garrett Co. 8,561 3,476
Harford Co. 82,438 38,773
Howard Co. 96,412 48,005
Kent Co. 6,087 2,734
Montgomery Co. 312,231 106,168
Prince George's Co. 249,300 58,234
Queen Anne's Co. 15,005 9,474
St. Mary's Co. 29,320 14,812
Somerset Co. 6,269 2,089
Talbot Co. 11,790 6,154
Washington Co. 39,936 15,665
Wicomico Co. 28,048 10,019
Worcester Co. 18,300 7,178
TOTAL 1,748,886 659,517
% of Total 72.6% 27.4%

Source: State Board of Elections

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