NOVEMBER 2, 2010
Question 1:
(Chapter 9, Acts of 2010)
Should a constitutional convention be called for the purpose of changing the Maryland Constitution?
Under Article XIV, Section 2, of the Maryland Constitution the General Assembly is required to ask the voters every 20 years whether a constitutional convention should be called for the purpose of altering the Maryland Constitution.
Yes | No* | Abstained* | |
Allegany Co. | 9,686 | 8,122 | 4,650 |
Anne Arundel Co. | 102,168 | 82,025 | 19,831 |
Baltimore City | 90,869 | 47,013 | 25,866 |
Baltimore Co. | 143,076 | 115,454 | 31,157 |
Calvert Co. | 15,496 | 12,553 | 4,185 |
Caroline Co. | 4,650 | 4,082 | 1,413 |
Carroll Co. | 28,233 | 28,603 | 7,267 |
Cecil Co. | 14,144 | 12,852 | 3,351 |
Charles Co. | 26,275 | 16,090 | 4,864 |
Dorchester Co. | 5,511 | 4,204 | 2,266 |
Frederick Co. | 35,270 | 30,962 | 9,848 |
Garrett Co. | 4,034 | 3,970 | 1,845 |
Harford Co. | 47,532 | 38,507 | 8,937 |
Howard Co. | 51,955 | 45,226 | 11,009 |
Kent Co. | 3,564 | 3,322 | 1,444 |
Montgomery Co. | 116,912 | 143,272 | 32,458 |
Prince George's Co. | 118,822 | 88,188 | 23,488 |
Queen Anne's Co. | 9,069 | 8,463 | 2,459 |
St. Mary's Co. | 15,242 | 12,958 | 3,740 |
Somerset Co. | 3,902 | 2,504 | 1,438 |
Talbot Co. | 6,464 | 7,847 | 2,155 |
Washington Co. | 17,860 | 16,497 | 6,564 |
Wicomico Co. | 15,668 | 10,375 | 3,898 |
Worcester Co. | 10,837 | 8,139 | 2,684 |
TOTAL | 897,239 | 751,228 | 216,817 |
% of Total | 48% | 40% | 12% |
*Abstained = did not cast a vote on this question.
Maryland Constitution requires that in order for a Constitutional Convention to be held, a "majority of voters" must vote in favor of a Convention (Art. XV, sec. 2).
Question 2:
(Chapter 480, Acts of 2010)
(Amends Declaration of Rights - Articles 5(a) & 23)
Authorizes the enactment of legislation to limit the right to a jury trial in a civil proceeding to those proceedings in which the amount in controversy exceeds $15,000.
Under Articles 5 and 23 of the Maryland Declaration of Rights, a party in a civil proceeding has a right to a jury trial where the amount in controversy exceeds $10,000. In cases where the amount in controversy does not exceed this threshold amount, a judge, rather than a jury, determines the verdict. The constitutional amendment would increase the amount-in-controversy limitation by providing that a party may not demand a jury trial in a civil proceeding unless the amount in controversy exceeds $15,000, excluding attorney's fees if attorney's fees are recoverable in the proceeding.
For | Against | |
Allegany Co. | 10,552 | 6,901 |
Anne Arundel Co. | 119,364 | 63,022 |
Baltimore City | 98,459 | 43,132 |
Baltimore Co. | 163,681 | 91,812 |
Calvert Co. | 17,342 | 10,969 |
Caroline Co. | 5,041 | 3,555 |
Carroll Co. | 34,616 | 21,694 |
Cecil Co. | 15,736 | 11,076 |
Charles Co. | 25,624 | 16,301 |
Dorchester Co. | 6,140 | 3,673 |
Frederick Co. | 41,494 | 24,475 |
Garrett Co. | 4,520 | 3,426 |
Harford Co. | 52,846 | 33,071 |
Howard Co. | 64,858 | 31,875 |
Kent Co. | 4,374 | 2,497 |
Montgomery Co. | 181,571 | 80,161 |
Prince George's Co. | 143,363 | 63,974 |
Queen Anne's Co. | 10,720 | 6,673 |
St. Mary's Co. | 17,495 | 10,755 |
Somerset Co. | 3,909 | 2,463 |
Talbot Co. | 8,852 | 5,300 |
Washington Co. | 20,202 | 13,494 |
Wicomico Co. | 16,676 | 9,297 |
Worcester Co. | 12,150 | 6,799 |
TOTAL | 1,079,585 | 566,395 |
% of Total | 66% | 34% |
Question 3:
(Chapter 481, Acts of 2010)
(Amends Article IV, section 40)
Requires judges of the Orphans' Court in Baltimore City to be members in good standing of the Maryland Bar who are admitted to practice law in Maryland.
Under the Maryland Constitution, the voters of each county and Baltimore City elect three judges to the Orphans'Court of their respective jurisdictions, with the exception of Montgomery and Harford counties, where circuit court judges sit as the Orphans'Court. The judges must be citizens of the State and residents, for the preceding 12 months, in the city or county in which they are elected. The constitutional amendment would add an additional eligibility requirement for judges of the Orphans’ Court in Baltimore City, requiring them to be members in good standing of the Maryland Bar who are admitted to practice law in Maryland.
For | Against | |
Allegany Co. | 12,902 | 4,379 |
Anne Arundel Co. | 148,403 | 28,566 |
Baltimore City | 124,524 | 17,215 |
Baltimore Co. | 209,105 | 45,467 |
Calvert Co. | 21,267 | 6,186 |
Caroline Co. | 6,112 | 2,115 |
Carroll Co. | 44,058 | 12,333 |
Cecil Co. | 19,619 | 6,077 |
Charles Co. | 33,797 | 7,400 |
Dorchester Co. | 7,131 | 2,290 |
Frederick Co. | 52,840 | 12,798 |
Garrett Co. | 5,538 | 2,208 |
Harford Co. | 70,626 | 15,127 |
Howard Co. | 78,326 | 18,086 |
Kent Co. | 5,052 | 1,644 |
Montgomery Co. | 214,744 | 33,915 |
Prince George's Co. | 187,432 | 19,945 |
Queen Anne's Co. | 13,205 | 3,790 |
St. Mary's Co. | 20,946 | 6,666 |
Somerset Co. | 4,645 | 1,616 |
Talbot Co. | 10,442 | 3,152 |
Washington Co. | 24,668 | 7,942 |
Wicomico Co. | 19,886 | 4,756 |
Worcester Co. | 14,789 | 3,927 |
TOTAL | 1,350,057 | 267,600 |
% of Total | 83% | 17% |
Source: State Board of Elections
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