Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



NOVEMBER 2, 2010


Question 1:
Chapter 9, Acts of 2010)

Should a constitutional convention be called for the purpose of changing the Maryland Constitution?

Under Article XIV, Section 2, of the Maryland Constitution the General Assembly is required to ask the voters every 20 years whether a constitutional convention should be called for the purpose of altering the Maryland Constitution.

Yes No* Abstained*
Allegany Co. 9,686 8,122 4,650
Anne Arundel Co. 102,168 82,025 19,831
Baltimore City 90,869 47,013 25,866
Baltimore Co. 143,076 115,454 31,157
Calvert Co. 15,496 12,553 4,185
Caroline Co. 4,650 4,082 1,413
Carroll Co. 28,233 28,603 7,267
Cecil Co. 14,144 12,852 3,351
Charles Co. 26,275 16,090 4,864
Dorchester Co. 5,511 4,204 2,266
Frederick Co. 35,270 30,962 9,848
Garrett Co. 4,034 3,970 1,845
Harford Co. 47,532 38,507 8,937
Howard Co. 51,955 45,226 11,009
Kent Co. 3,564 3,322 1,444
Montgomery Co. 116,912 143,272 32,458
Prince George's Co. 118,822 88,188 23,488
Queen Anne's Co. 9,069 8,463 2,459
St. Mary's Co. 15,242 12,958 3,740
Somerset Co. 3,902 2,504 1,438
Talbot Co. 6,464 7,847 2,155
Washington Co. 17,860 16,497 6,564
Wicomico Co. 15,668 10,375 3,898
Worcester Co. 10,837 8,139 2,684
TOTAL 897,239 751,228 216,817
% of Total 48% 40% 12%

*Abstained = did not cast a vote on this question.
Maryland Constitution requires that in order for a Constitutional Convention to be held, a "majority of voters" must vote in favor of a Convention (Art. XV, sec. 2).


Question 2:
Chapter 480, Acts of 2010)

(Amends Declaration of Rights - Articles 5(a) & 23)

Authorizes the enactment of legislation to limit the right to a jury trial in a civil proceeding to those proceedings in which the amount in controversy exceeds $15,000.

Under Articles 5 and 23 of the Maryland Declaration of Rights, a party in a civil proceeding has a right to a jury trial where the amount in controversy exceeds $10,000. In cases where the amount in controversy does not exceed this threshold amount, a judge, rather than a jury, determines the verdict. The constitutional amendment would increase the amount-in-controversy limitation by providing that a party may not demand a jury trial in a civil proceeding unless the amount in controversy exceeds $15,000, excluding attorney's fees if attorney's fees are recoverable in the proceeding.

For Against
Allegany Co. 10,552 6,901
Anne Arundel Co. 119,364 63,022
Baltimore City 98,459 43,132
Baltimore Co. 163,681 91,812
Calvert Co. 17,342 10,969
Caroline Co. 5,041 3,555
Carroll Co. 34,616 21,694
Cecil Co. 15,736 11,076
Charles Co. 25,624 16,301
Dorchester Co. 6,140 3,673
Frederick Co. 41,494 24,475
Garrett Co. 4,520 3,426
Harford Co. 52,846 33,071
Howard Co. 64,858 31,875
Kent Co. 4,374 2,497
Montgomery Co. 181,571 80,161
Prince George's Co. 143,363 63,974
Queen Anne's Co. 10,720 6,673
St. Mary's Co. 17,495 10,755
Somerset Co. 3,909 2,463
Talbot Co. 8,852 5,300
Washington Co. 20,202 13,494
Wicomico Co. 16,676 9,297
Worcester Co. 12,150 6,799
TOTAL 1,079,585 566,395
% of Total 66% 34%

Question 3:
(Chapter 481, Acts of 2010)

(Amends Article IV, section 40)

Requires judges of the Orphans' Court in Baltimore City to be members in good standing of the Maryland Bar who are admitted to practice law in Maryland.

Under the Maryland Constitution, the voters of each county and Baltimore City elect three judges to the Orphans'Court of their respective jurisdictions, with the exception of Montgomery and Harford counties, where circuit court judges sit as the Orphans'Court. The judges must be citizens of the State and residents, for the preceding 12 months, in the city or county in which they are elected. The constitutional amendment would add an additional eligibility requirement for judges of the Orphans’ Court in Baltimore City, requiring them to be members in good standing of the Maryland Bar who are admitted to practice law in Maryland.

For Against
Allegany Co. 12,902 4,379
Anne Arundel Co. 148,403 28,566
Baltimore City 124,524 17,215
Baltimore Co. 209,105 45,467
Calvert Co. 21,267 6,186
Caroline Co. 6,112 2,115
Carroll Co. 44,058 12,333
Cecil Co. 19,619 6,077
Charles Co. 33,797 7,400
Dorchester Co. 7,131 2,290
Frederick Co. 52,840 12,798
Garrett Co. 5,538 2,208
Harford Co. 70,626 15,127
Howard Co. 78,326 18,086
Kent Co. 5,052 1,644
Montgomery Co. 214,744 33,915
Prince George's Co. 187,432 19,945
Queen Anne's Co. 13,205 3,790
St. Mary's Co. 20,946 6,666
Somerset Co. 4,645 1,616
Talbot Co. 10,442 3,152
Washington Co. 24,668 7,942
Wicomico Co. 19,886 4,756
Worcester Co. 14,789 3,927
TOTAL 1,350,057 267,600
% of Total 83% 17%

Source: State Board of Elections

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